Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


14 December 2017

An original system of physical education based on national sports was formed among the Kazakhs in the conditions of a harsh nomadic life. Their competitive nature contributed to the development of courage, agility, endurance and other qualities necessary for the warrior nomad.

Realizing the importance of the revival of national traditions  Sports Club of the KSMU for the second year in a row organizes the national sports Olympic  "KSMU KYRANY - 2017" in the university.

4 national types of sports aimed at developing youth strength and agility (Kazakh kures), endurance and willpower (Arkan tartys), coordination and visualization (Asyk atu) and the ability to build a strategy of the game and analyze large amounts of data (Тоgyz -kumalak) were included in the program of the Olympic.

Total about 140 athletes took part in the games of the Olympic. The team of the faculty of GM (captain Sarsenbek Rasul 4-028 GM) won the competition on Arkan tartys.

Competitions on the "steppe chess" "Togyz-kumalak" were held in the format of demonstrative performances and master classes with participation of the best sportsmen of the university.

The main sensation burst out in the tournament on "Asyk atu": the team of the International Medical Faculty (captain Darshan Kumar 5-001 GM) won an unexpected victory in the competition. The ancient Kazakh game have pleased the students from India. The Indian team won the gold medal which was not easy at all.

The tournament on "Kazak kuresi" became the main highlight of the games. About three dozen wrestlers claimed the title of contest champion. As a result of the hard struggles,  Eltai Zhangeldi (1-032 GM) and Rakhmetullaev Azamat (5-007 GM) won bronze medals. Sarsenbek Rasul (4-028 GM) won the silver medal. Toibekov Aldiyar (4-010 GM) became the winner of the Olympic and the owner of the "KSMU KYRANY - 2017" title.

II Olympic of national sports "KSMU KYRANY - 2017" organized by the Sports Club of KSMU and the Ministry of Sport of SR "Samruk" (President  Nurpeisov Daniyar, Minister of Sport Shukirbai Tolemurat) was truly large-scale. The tournament was visited by a large number of guests of honor. The struggle was spectacular and beautiful, all the participants showed themselves to be real fighters worthy of victory.

  Sport club of KSMU



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