Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"What? Where? When?" World Game Championship

"What? Where? When?" World Game Championship

29 November 2017

  On 3-5 November, XV World Championship of the "What? Where? When?" game was held in Astana.69 teams from 26 countries sent their strongest experts to participate in the championship.8 teams from Almaty, Astana, Karaganda and Aktau represented the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  The organizing committee, consisting of famous TV-presenters Andrey Kozlov and Alexander Rubin selected the best teams of the country-members of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?”. Team of Karaganda city which has consistently high positions in the overall ranking of teams also became a participant of the championship. It is great to know that KSMU’student  of the 3-year Nikita Savin stood out in Karaganda team with a bright play.

  Participation of such stars as Alexander Druz, Anatoly Vasserman, Maxim Potashev, Ilya Novikov and Balash Kasumov who played in the various teams demonstrated the level of the tournament.

  The tournament was held in two stages: qualifying rounds and final. In total 120 questions were presented in the tournament that are not united by one theme because for an expert is important to have a wide mind and the ability to quickly isolate specific facts to find the right answer.

  After completion of the tournament, representatives of the International Association of Clubs "What? Where? When? "commended the level of organization, the quality of the questions and the game teams.

  It is hoped  that the XV World Championship game of "What? Where? When? " will give a new impetus to the development of intellectual games in Kazakhstan.

  Igor Fisenko

   Head of the “INSIGHT” Debate club.



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