Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The first stage of the project "TOM: Kazakhstan" was held at KSMU

The first stage of the project "TOM: Kazakhstan" was held at KSMU

10 October 2017

The main purpose of the project "TOM: Kazakhstan" is the creation of a useful invention for people with special needs, simple in production and affordable. TOM: Tikkun Olam Makers means "changing the world", it is a global movement, gradually embracing the whole world.

On October 7,2017, 10 teams of inventors were selected for participation in the first stage of the project "TOM: Kazakhstan" gathered in KSMU. Social and household problems of people with disabilities were announced at the first meeting of this stage. The teams generated ideas for solving one of these problems, prepared the first outlines for the future device and presented their ideas. After the first stage, the teams refine  the idea, consult experts and specialists and provide the organizers with a list of the necessary tools and materials for implementing the idea in prototypes at the second stage  in meikaton. Meikaton TOM is a 72-hour marathon that will be held in November 2017 where inventors (makers) will develop devices aimed at organizing a full life of people with disabilities (need knowers).

Participants of the project in Karaganda were students, teachers, doctors, engineers, robotics, IT and other specialists from all over Kazakhstan.

The project is implemented by the Association of Legal Entitles "Association of Friends of the Tel Aviv University in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter called the Association) in partnership with the Akimat of the Karaganda region with the support of the Karaganda State Medical University.

Acting head of the Department for Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of the Karaganda Region M.R.Galiullin, noted that, similar projects are also needed despite the large number of mechanisms of state support for people with disabilities.

"TOM " is a unique project where people of different specialties and views are united by overall purpose - to make the world a better place. Meikaton TOM is a platform that generates ideas for social entrepreneurship. We give an opportunity to help people. Prizewinners and winners of the project have the opportunity to develop their projects in our country, for example, acceleration and commercialization programs." said Vice-president of the Association of Friends of the Tel Aviv University in Kazakhstan Saniya Arapova.

"TOM: Kazakhstan" has become a foundation for cooperation between society, the state and business, to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. In addition, major steps forward were made to the  development of social entrepreneurship, the transformation of people's consciousness and the orientation of young people towards solving social problems. The project was initiated in Kazakhstan with the support of the president of the Association, businessman and maecenas A.A.Mashkevich.



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