Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Purity Cup

Purity Cup

28 September 2017

On September 22, annual youth tournament "Purity Cup: student league" was held in the Central Park.

10 teams representing the universities of the region took part in the tournament.

The tournament was held in three stages:

in the "Eco-card" the competent jury evaluated the originality of the name, the motto and the form of the teams;

in the "Ecological Quiz" there was assessed the knowledge of the participants of the "Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the sector program "Zhasyl Damu";

in the "Main Stage" teams had to demonstrate the best skills for cleaning and landscaping a certain area.

The team of KSMU consisting of: Kasymov Azamat (3-005 Dentistry), Embergenova Alina (1-004 TPP), Orabai Yerner (2-016 GM), Zhasylykh Mukhit (4-082 GM), Malikova Aizhan (2-039 GM) , Azhibaeva Аidana (3-007 ОМ), Оrynbek Аlua (2-005 GM), Raisov Shyngys (3-026 GM), Kadyrov Sulantangali (2-021 GM) and Tanirbergen Altynai (3-016 GM) were awarded with a letters of gratitude from organizers of the tournament.

   Head of Debate club “INSIGHT

  Igor Fisenko (5-119 GM)



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