Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
How to convince interlocutor without using physical strength

How to convince interlocutor without using physical strength

24 May 2017

On 12.05.17, Ministry for Prevention of Religious Extremism of “Samruk” Student Republic jointly with Youth Work Department of KSMU conducted atraining on the topic “How to convince interlocutor without using physical strength”.

The main objectives of the event were:

-  Study of  mechanisms and ways of interpersonal interaction to create the basis for effective and harmonious work, communication with people.

-  Promotion of the process of personal development, realization of creative potential, achievement of the optimal level of vital activity and a sense of happiness and success.

-  Development of self-awareness and self-exploration of participants to correct or prevent emotional disorders based on intrapersonal and behavioral measurements.

The training was attended by students of 1-4 courses. As instructors acted 2-year students of  Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, Amirkhanova Gulfiya and Salikova Sabina, who organized various games aimed at development of creativity and creation of fruitful and harmonious communication with people.

During the game, the main task of the students was to convince an interlocutor  when communicating on various topics, substantiating one’s opinion. This skill is very important for constructive, not destructive communication at different levels, including interethnic and inter-confessional. The most active participant of the training was a 2nd year student of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Baipakova Ayim.

At the end of the event, the students exchanged their impressions and wishes.

Iztleuova Gulden

Ministry for Prevention of  Religious Extremism of

“Samruk” Student Republic

Youth Work Department of  KSMU



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