Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Traditions and Customs of Kazakh People

Traditions and Customs of Kazakh People

11 May 2017

On 27 April 2017 at the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics of KSMU was conducted the educational work on the topic “Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people” among 1-year students of General Medicine and Dentistry Faculty.

The Kazakh people have a lot of traditions and customs. And the wealth of traditions shows the culture and education of people. At the beginning, let us look at what traditions and customs are. The traditions and customs comprise the spiritual and cultural heritage associated with the life of the people. Our people, through the sacred traditions, customs, and superstitions, have raised the generation of great sons and virtuous daughters. B. Momyshuly wrote that “my military experience in war fighting showed the importance of national traditions.” From this we can understand that such qualities as patriotism, courage, magnanimity, generosity, humanity can beperceived through traditions. Thus, the traditions guide people to the right path and to preserve order, teach themto understand and apply the admonitionsin life.

One of the priceless traditions is to teach the next generation of “Zheti ata”: learning of seven generations of ancestors, carrying on the traditions of child upbringing. From childhood, special attention is paid to familiarizing the child with near and far relatives, parents, the tribe. “One who does not know his seven ancestors is not illustrious”, in order not to hear these words, every citizen should know his seven generations. Also, fathers and grandfathers with their sons not only learned the names of their ancestors, but also spoke about their achievements, about their work, about their contribution to our country, so the children could continuethe traditions of their ancestors.



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