Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
IV Congress of Public Association “Republican Medical Chamber”

IV Congress of Public Association “Republican Medical Chamber”

10 May 2017

On 14-15 April 2017 in Shymkent was held the IV Congress of the Public Association “Republican Medical Chamber” under the chairmanship of Professor M.K. Kulzhanov. Karaganda region was represented by the delegation, consisting of Director of CSE “Regional Blood Center” of the Board of Health of Karaganda T.M. Sadvakasov, Director of Medical College of Karaganda A.N. Nurbekov and Head of Department of Occupational Hygiene, Professional Diseases, Hygiene in Children and Adolescents of KSMU E.N. Sraubaev.

In the work of the Congress took part over 70 official delegates from the regional branches of RMC, more than 100 invited guests from medical and scientific organizations, public associations, associations, committees and departments of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Congress was also attended by the heads of the South Kazakhstan Regional Board of Health, representatives of medical organizations of the region, teachers and students of medical schools of the region.

The Congress considers it a priority:

- Improvement of the legislative base for development of health care, introduction of changes to the relevant sections of the Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan relevant to medical workers. Provision of the possibility of realizing all the tasks set before the healthcare, requires the strengthening of personnel potential of the sector;

- Programs of postgraduate and additional professional education should incorporate the needs of medical workers, introduction of specialists into the practice considering the clinical protocols and standards of medical care, approved by the Joint Commission for Quality of MH RK;

- Improvement of the system of continuing personified postgraduate medical education using the mechanisms of accumulation of credit points;

- Further improvement of the accreditation of medical organizations by the Public Association “Republican Medical Chamber” with the participation of MH RK and local authorities, based on the principles of the international accreditation association and the WHO;

- Improvement of qualification certification and certification of doctors and nurses with active involvement of the professional medical community, subsequently with full transfer of these functions to the “Republican Medical Chamber”, as the most numerous and represented in all regions of the country.

Improving the material situation and increasing the social status of doctors is one of the most significant factors of their motivation for creative work and dedication. The Congress considers it a measure of extreme importance to raise the average salary of medical workers to the level exceeding the average level of wages across the country.

As a result of its work, the IV Congress of the Public Association “Republican Medical Chamber” considers it necessary to state: the health of Kazakh people, maintaining it at a high level, throughout life is a priority for medical workers in Kazakhstan.

Е.N. Sraubaev

M.D., Professor, Head of Department

of Occupational Hygiene, Professional Diseases,

Hygiene in Children and Adolescents



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