Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting of representatives of Nazarbayev University with students of KSMU

Meeting of representatives of Nazarbayev University with students of KSMU

11 March 2017

On 3 March 2017 at Karaganda State Medical University was held a meeting with the representatives of Nazarbayev University. During the meeting, they presented information about the admission to Nazarbayev University: general rules of matriculation, especially for entrants on the basis of the baccalaureate and postgraduate education. All issues in the matter of education at the university were elucidated, among them the university tuition process, equipment of classrooms, delivering of educational material and living conditions in the dormitory.

There are several schools in Nazarbayev University: 1) School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 2) School of Engineering; 3) Science and Technology School; 4) School of Medicine. The two-year master's degree program in public health (MPH) in the School of Medicine of Nazarbayev University is based on the highest standards. Unlike other programs of MPH, the School of Medicine offers additional highly qualified teaching staff, as well as educational and research resources. Admission tests are held in English in all regions of Kazakhstan and consist of three steps, two of which are based on checking of English language knowledge, one – on testing of knowledge of two profile subjects. A premedical program implies chemistry and biology. Responsible for examination and selection of students are the representatives of UCL, University of London that took 4th place in the world ranking of universities in 2010. Being interested in maintaining its world reputation, they carefully monitor the quality of education in the sectors of services they provide. The University constantly works on improving the program content and introducing the innovative methods of learning. This year, Nazarbayev University has started development of a new pre-university training program, aiming at development of skills and knowledge for successful application of acquired knowledge into practice when training on undergraduate programs. After the presentation of the programs and schools of the University, the students received more detailed information, to all students' questions were given exhaustive answers.



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