Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Successful defense of the first graduates on specialty «Biology»

Successful defense of the first graduates on specialty «Biology»

14 June 2016

Within the walls of KSMU at the first time was defended master's theses on Specialty 6M060700 - «Biology» (profile direction) on June 7, 2016. Topics thesis were devoted to topical issues in the field of microbiology, molecular and cell biology, histology and immunology. The works were performed under the guidance of leading experts of our university: M.D., professor I.S.Azizov, associate professor M.A. Gazaliyeva, associate professor B.T. Esilbaeva and associate professor R.Zh. Yesimova. The first graduatesAbdikalikova Darina, Anise Kulchat, Solomadin Maksim were awarded the academic degree of Master of Natural Science. Congratulations to the first graduates witha successful defense of their thesis and we wish Karaganda State Medical University further development and prosperity!



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