Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Unforgettable competition-show “Two stars”

Unforgettable competition-show “Two stars”

30 May 2016

The show “Two stars” was organized in the assembly hall. Teachers and students of the 2nd course of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry took an active part in this competition. Each of them managed to hide themselves under the masks of ordinary people, but coming on the scene , they showed their true talent.

Academic Dean - Molotov – Luchanski Vilen Borisovich and  General and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Takuadina Alia opened  the competitive evening.

The invited stars of the jury were : author and performer, composer and teacher of the school of arts - Bekishev Marat Kapkarovich; opera singer and director of the Karaganda academic orchestra named after Tatimbet - Magavin Mereke Kabdullinovich ; teacher of the highest qualification of musical disciplines , Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Shevchenko Lyubov Grigoryevna.

Fair jury after long and persistent calls issued its verdict:

I place was  awarded of the department of psychology and the basics of communicative skills Onaybaeva Zarina and student of group 2005 OM - Kunal Suman .
  II place Lecturer, Department of Pathological Physiology - Zhalmahanov Murat Sharapatovich and student of group 2015 OM Oralbekova Zhazira.
  III place Lecturer, Department of Public Dzhaketaeva Shynar and student of group 2021 OM Bagitzhanov Erbulan

In the nomination "The most touching song " Dzhakeeva Alma – teacher of the department of general hygiene ecology and student of group 2015 OM - Rakym Zeregul became winners.
The winners of the nomination "The most charming couple" became lecturer of the Department of Microbiology - Lecturer of the Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics - Kapasheva Aigul and student of group 2012 OM - Zharas Aida win in the nomination " The most modern song about mother."
The nomination "The most romantic song" were awarded to the Deputy Dean of General Medicine and Dentistry 5th year - Baymenova Ayman and student of group 2077 OM Igibayeva Dinara.
"The most incendiary pair" of the evening was a pair of the teacher of the Department of Pathological Physiology - Mohira Yury and student of group 2084 OM  Polyaeva Nina.

In the organization of the concert were  participated students of the 2nd course of General Medicine and Dentistry Faculty in the face of Dzhambakievoy Adalat 2077 OM, An Tatiana 2009 Stom., Zharmaevoy Asem 2078 OM, OM Tolegenova Aygerim 2034, Becket Nazerke 2039 OM,
for the technical part of the concert Bikbavleev Mansour, Zhakenov Temirlan 2088 OM.
Incomparable leading show "Two stars" were Abdirov Azamat OM 2051 , OM 2077 Kalimullina Elsa , Telman Aydin OM 2029, Zharmaeva Asem OM 2078, Hamithanov Adilkhan 2005 Stom, Shaimerdenova Sabina 2058 OM.
It was an unforgettable evening of this transformation, sincere emotions and live sound that will remain forever in the hearts and minds of everyone who participated and witnessed such a fantastic show "Two Stars"!



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