Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Good Traditions of Cooperation

The Good Traditions of Cooperation

11 May 2016

This year was marked by the first Jubilee – the 5 th anniversary of the signing of the agreement about scientific, educational and cultural cooperation between Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov (KSU) (Russian Federation) and Karaganda State Medical University (KSMU) (Republic of Kazakhstan). The agreement was signed at the jubilee X International Week "Dialogue of Cultures - Culture of Dialogue" (September, 2011) in order to organize cooperation of the Kostroma State University named after N. A. Nekrasov and Karaganda State Medical University about equitable and mutually beneficial scientific, educational and cultural cooperation, mutual support in all areas of activities and the sharing of intellectual potential of the universities.

Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov, in November 2013 has celebrated its 95 - year anniversary. For almost a century of history the university has trained tens thousands professionals, the path in the science of the well-known scientists started here. Linguists S.M. Bondi and V.F. Shishmaref, lawyer Y.P. Novitsky, art critic A.I, Nekrasov, mathematician D.A, Raykov, zoologist A.L. Zelikman, psychologist F.T.  Kuimov and many others were working in the walls of KSU.

Kostroma State University is a dynamic institution, a center of classical higher professional education, science and innovation in the Kostroma region. The education at KSU is based on the latest scientific achievements. The University has a multi-faceted experience of effective cooperation with internationally renowned research centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, foreign scientific and educational organizations.  All conditions for qualitative education are in the University: computer classes, specialized laboratories, language laboratories, modern lecture halls, main library reading rooms with modern and well-equipped department of rare books, representative of the Presidential Library, University History Museum and exhibition and concert halls. On the basis of the sports complex "Youth» variety of sporting events are carried out.

Several international weeks "Dialogue of Cultures - Culture of dialogue" passed in the KSU during our fruitful cooperation. The festivals primarily intended for establishment of a dialogue between science and society; adjustment of intercultural communication in the context of the formation of a unified educational and scientific space. The leading scientists from Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic were acquainted participants and guests of the international week with the results of own scientific research in popular scientific lectures, master classes, round table discussions, presentations and interactive exchanges. In one day the Faculty of Natural Sciences, N.M. Kharissova briefed the participants and guests of the section "Physiology and Medicine" with "Prospects of development of the physiology in Kazakhstan." Also, their attention has been offered a video about the history and traditions of the Karaganda State Medical University.

During the period of cooperation the teaching staff of two universities made appearances on the forums:


N.M. Kharissova

Investigation of the mechanismsof adaptive reactions of the cardiorespiratory system in young athletes.

(In the sectional meeting)

X International scientific-practical conference «Dialogue of cultures - the culture of dialogue».

Kostroma, 5-10 September 2011


N.M. Kharissova,

F.A. Mindubayeva

Prospects of development of physiology in Kazakhstan.

(Section "Physiology and Medicine" on the Day of the Faculty of Natural Sciences). The certificate of participation.

XI International scientific-practical conference «Dialogue of cultures - the culture of dialogue».

Kostroma, 11 September 2012


T.I. Krekesheva,

S.T. Erimbetov,

N.M. Kharissova,

L.M. Kharissova.

Medical and biological and social aspects of prevention and strengthening of health of the younger generation. The certificate of participation.

Republican scientific-practical conference with international participation " Labour, Environment and Health of the Nation", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the National Centre of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. - Karaganda, 5-6 September 2013.

Cooperation between universities continues in the implementation of mutual research projects to identify effect of the sports specialization on functional indices of the cardio-respiratory system of athletes in various profiles and on personal characteristics of students engaged in physical culture and sports. Results of research projects have been published in the journals of various ranks.


N.M. Kharissova,

L.M. Kharissova,

F.A. Mindubayeva,

L.T Musina

Impact of sports specialization on functional indices of the cardiovascular system of sportsmen

//Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference "Science and its role in today's world" on the section "Medicine and Pharmacy". January 29, 2010, v.4. - P. 295-299


L.M. Kharissova,

N.M. Kharissova

Formation of communicative culture of the student`s personality

//Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference "Science and its role in today's world" on the section "Medicine and Pharmacy". January 29, 2010, v.4. - P. 406-411


N.M. Kharissova,

L.M. Kharissova,

A.Kh Abushahmanova, T.I. Krekesheva,

A.F. Kuzmin,

F.A. Mindubayeva

The adaptive response of the respiratory system of athletes of various profiles (art).

// Medicine and Ecology. - 2012. - № 4. - P. 12-15.


T.I. Krekesheva,

S.T. Erimbetov,

N.M. Kharissova,

L.M. Kharissova

Medical and biological and social aspects of prevention and strengthening of health of the younger generation.

//Republican scientific-practical conference with international participation "Labour, Environment and Health of the Nation", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the National Centre of Labour Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. - Karaganda, 5-6 September 2013. – P. 69-71.


Kharissova N.,

Kharissova L.,

Kosibaeva A.,

Mindubaeva F.

The physical culture as the basis of a healthy lifestyle among students

//Georgian  Medical News Journal.-

 No 4 (241) .-April 2015. - p. 68-72

Tbilisi- NEW YORK


F.A. Mindubayeva,

N.M. Kharissova,

Ey.G Komkina.,

L.M. Smirnova,

I.N. Smirnov

Impact of physical training and sports on the personal characteristics of students

//International Journal of Experimental Education. - № 4 (Part 2). – 2016. - P. 244-248 (Section: Education)

  1. Development of criteria for evaluating changes in the status of the cardiorespiratory system and isolating risk groups among of athletes at different stages of long-term adaptation to muscular activity with disadaptation disorders in the cardiorespiratory system.
  1. Introduction in practice sports activities in the athletes of the technique training breathing: increased resistance to breathing, breathing through an additional "dead" space, arbitrary hypoventilation during muscular work.
  1. Putting into practice the sports activity of sportsmen techniques of the volitional breath (hypercapnic training) for the training of breathing.
Reviews have been given on the final qualifying works of students of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov:

The representatives of the two partner universities have been obtained the 3 act of the implementation which is used in the educational and training processes of the Multi-disciplinary Humanities and Technical University (Karaganda) and KSU (Kostroma):

  1. Andronov A.L. " Professionally applied physical training of servicemen" (2013)
  2. Rumyantsev S.M. "Organizational-pedagogical conditions of application of the circular method in sports training football players" (2013)
  3. Dunayev A. V. "Features of the organization of physical education in terms of introducing new FSEST" (2013)
  4. Ayvazyan G.R. "Special physical preparation in the melee at the stage of initial training" (2013)
  5. Abetsky D.I. "Impact of massage on physiological parameters of the human body in osteochondrosis" (2015)
  6. Makarov D.A. "Development of speed-power qualities in the process of sports training rowers" (2015).

In the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements, providing for joint action in the implementation of educational, scientific and practical projects, between KSMU and KSU, mutual exchange of teachers in March-April 2016 was implemented: Nuria Mansurovna Kharissova, c.b.s, assistant professor of physiology of Karaganda State Medical University and Liliya Mansurovna Smirnova (Kharissova), c.p.s., Professor, Head of the Department of Physical culture and sports of theKostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov.

An important direction in the implementation of the academic exchange of teachers is to holding master classes and workshops (seminars) by the representatives of the partner universities; lecturing on relevant problems of physiology, physical education and sports for teachers and students; participation in scientific work within the framework of the joint; implementation of joint research projects; participation in training programs; internships; participation in conferences and seminars.

L.M. Smirnova was offered KSMU students the following themes "Physical education in general cultural and professional training of students", "Mass sports in school." The basic concepts, terminology of physical culture was been covered in themes. It is revealed the forms of physical culture and its values. Historical overview. Elaborate on the physical training of the student. The lectures revealed the role and importance, the main objectives, rules and methods for controlling load during warm-up on physical culture, definitions and concepts of "physical rehabilitation and recreation", «physical activity", "sports and mass sports and recreational activities," "physical recreation", "professional-applied physical preparation."

There was a presentation about the partner institution - the Kostroma State University, with which cooperates Karaganda State Medical University, about the work of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports. According to the standard program of discipline "Physical training" KSMU together with the teachers of the department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Education, associate professor A.V. Klimov, L.V. Kovalenko were carried out practical lessons (exercises).

Liliya Mansurovna noted well-equipped sports facilities of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Education of KSMU, which is represented by 5 halls: weightlifting, gymnastics, wrestling, playing sports, tennis, and gym special group of students. There is a ski base, equipped with the necessary ski equipment, equipped shooting range for air rifle shooting, an artificial football pitch.

The plan of the sports activities of the Department of KSMU for students carries out all types of the physical activity from the sectional work to competitive activity, which consists of the following sports: volleyball, basketball, table tennis, fitness, football, martial arts, national sports, etc.

Teachers of the department Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Education of the University presented their manuals, such as "Weight lifting on the lessons of physical culture", "Volleyball on the lessons of physical culture", "Physical education of students with pyelonephritis and nephroptosis", "Mini-soccer on the lessons of physical culture "," Athletics in the lessons of physical culture ", etc.

L.M. Smirnova was presented tutorials teaching staff of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov.

1.  Urazova S.G. Russia at the origins of the Olympic movement // Special Course. - Kostroma. - 2002. - 38 p.

2.  Urazova S.G. Education of students of the Faculty of Physical Education at the Olympic traditions // Abstract of the thesis for the degree c.p.s - Kostroma. - 2004. - 24 p.

3.  Novozhilov N.V., Urazova S.G. Sport and sports facilities // School edition Subject. – KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov. - 2008. - 38 p.

4.  Nurtdinov S.M., S.G. Urazova History of Physical Culture. Historical Sketch of physical education and sport for persons with disabilities // School edition Subject. – KSU named after N.A. Nekrasov. - 2008. - 42 p.

5.  Morozov S. A, Savchenko I.V, Samakov I.V., Smirnov I.N., Kharissova L.M. Chernobrivtsev V.N. History of physical culture and sports. Domestic history of physical culture and sports. //Tutorial. - Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K .Timoshenko, department of physical training. - Kostroma. - Publication of the Academy. - 2012. - 136 p.

6.  Morozov S. A., Borisov A.V., A.V. Zykov, Urazova S.G., Smirnov I.N., Dvoenko V.V. , Kharissova L.M.  Fundamentals of the theory and methods of teaching gymnastics. //Tutorial. - Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K .Timoshenko, department of physical training. - Kostroma. - Publication of the Academy. - 2012. - 210 p.

7.  The book, published for the 95th anniversary of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov. - Kostroma. - 2013. - 96 p.

N.M.  Kharissova was invited to the department of physical culture and sports of the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov in order to exchange experiences on pedagogical skills, reading of the lectures, conducting of the seminars for students of full-time training areas of training "Teacher education, orientation (profile) "Physical culture" of the KSU.

During the program classroom and extracurricular lessons on physiology (80 hours) were held with full-time students in areas of training "Teacher education, orientation (profile) "Physical culture": lectures, laboratory (practical) training. All activities were contact-training form and held on a daily basis, according to the approved schedule, under the direction of associate professor of biology and ecology, c.m.s., Andrey Fedorovich Kuzmin.

The opportunity to use any teaching methods which best suited to the chosen theme was given for holding lessons. The educational process was held in the form of lectures, presentations or laboratory (practical) training. In reading lectures and conducting seminars were used various techniques, in particular problem-search approach to learning, innovative teaching technologies (TBL, PBL). Slide films, online resources that provide dynamic, representation, and a higher level of information compared to traditional teaching methods were used. The educational process was held in the form of lectures, presentations or laboratory (practical) training. The audience for the lecture was equipped with multimedia equipment.

N.M. Kharissova read lectures and seminars on subjects of "Physiology" and "Physiology of Sport and Physical Education". Subjects of lectures and workshops were varied: "Regulation of the secretory, motor and evacuation function of the stomach"; "The role of the liver in the digestion"; "The physiology of the kidney. Urine formation mechanism"; "The regulation of urine formation and urination. Age-related changes of urine formation and urination"; "Physiology of Sport and Physical Education"; "Adaptation to physical load and reserve capacity of the organism"; "Functional  system  of the adaptation"; "The mechanisms of the adaptation of the human body to long-term physical activity of the aerobic orientation"; "The physiological characteristics of the condition of the body when the sports activity"; "The concept about physical performance and methodical approaches to its determination."

I was visited lectures and workshops leading teachers of KSU, familiarization with teaching methods colleagues from Kostroma, teaching materials, communication with students of KSU.

I was passed training on cycle «Physiology of Sport and Physical Education" (108 hours).

As responsible for the implementation of distance learning environment Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) at the Department of Physiology KSMU, N.M. Kharissova was introduced to Piguzov Alexey Alexandrovich, Head of Support distance learning technologies. He introduced a system of distance learning, which allows students to provide educational and instructional materials; to test any level of complexity; to organize independent work of students. They shared their experiences of training sessions using the distance learning environment Moodle, designed to create quality online courses.

At the request of N.M. Kharissova will install a modified version V2.9.3 Moodle program KSMU by help of the computer center (in summer 2016 y).

In the framework of academic mobility students of the I course "Biology" of Karaganda State Medical University Diane Dubina and Daria Chunikhina went to the training (2 semester) to the Kostroma State University. For them, the dean of KSU was drafted individual calendar-thematic plan of passage disciplines. At the end of the semester, students will have a summer production (biological information) practice.

The cultural program for representatives of Karaganda (D. Dubina, D. Chunikhina, N.M. Kharissova) was varied.

Tour to the historic center of the city of Kostroma was held   for us. Associate professor of the department of teacher education at KSU, c.p.s., Olga Korshunova told us the story of the city, the myths and legends of the past. We passed through the ancient streets of the center. We saw the historic city center, the Resurrection and Susanin Square, Bogoyavlensko-Anastasin female convent, embankment of the Volga and Kostromki, the famous shopping arcade, the ancient temples of XVII century, merchants' mansions, the ancient Kremlin's territory, and the famous theater named after A.N. Ostrovsky and more.

Trip to Sumarokovo moose farm was organized. Sumarokovo moose farm is quite unusual, since the animals are kept not in barns and paddocks, and roam freely through the woods. Sumarokovo moose farm is visited by many tourists. Farm is rightly considered a true landmark not only in Kostroma, but also in Russia.

On the scene of the Drama Theater named after AN Ostrovsky, one of the oldest theaters in Russia, we have seen a comedy in two acts "Pygmalion, or make yourself a woman" (Directed by: Elena Safonova).

We have visited the educational and scientific laboratory of the biotechnology, where head of the laboratory Dmitri Zontikov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, spoke about the technology of clonal microreproduction.

On March 26, 2016 we participated in the  educational project "University Saturday in KSU", together with the students and teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of KSU  after N.A. Nekrasov in the organization of "Olympic lessons" and sports festival "From TRP icon to the Olympic medals» with students of secondary schools in Kostroma. Guests of the festival were  - a student, Olympic silver medalist Nadezhda Torlopova and Alexander Golubev., a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Olympic champion, Regional Ambassador of the TRP  in the Kostroma Region.

All activities took place under the guidance of Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport, L.M. Smirnova.

Expansion of mobility of students and teachers is one of the major aspects of international cooperation of KSMU, because currently mobility, internationalization and social and cultural international exchange are an important indicator of educational, research and cultural and educational activities of the university. Ways of implementation the internationalization and integration processes in higher education are determined based on the actual conditions and the capabilities of a particular university. In KSMU this direction of international activity is realized primarily through long-term cooperation agreements with the Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov.

Associate Professor, Department of Physiology of Karaganda State Medical University, c.b.s.


Nuriya Mansurovna Kharissova



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