Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
HIV is not transmitted through the friendship

HIV is not transmitted through the friendship

24 December 2015

HIV prevention among young people became a topic of discussion at the «Round table» organized and conducted on 10.12.2015 by teacher staff of the department of immunology and allergology of KSMU.
Aspects of knowledge creation prevent actual problems of modern medicine of HIV and AIDS brought together a «Round table» of representatives of practical health care, teachers of the department of immunology and allergology and 3rd year students of specialty "General medicine" of Karaganda state medical University. The discussion was attended by 42 students, 4 staff members of the department, head of the prevention department of the Regional center for preventive measures and fight against with AIDS of Karaganda region-Baymukhanova Kalymkas Sambulatovna.
The discussion was opened by acting assistant professor of the department of immunology and allergology of KSMU, candidate of medical science A. A. Knaus. In her speech, she spoke about the work of volunteers-students of KSMU.

Discussions aimed at the moral education of young people - prevention of use of narcotic drugs, promiscuity were conducted for pupils and students by the Department staff and students of KSMU in conjunction with the staff of the Regional center for preventive measures and fight against with AIDS.
In opening speech, Kalymkas Shambulatovna noted the increase of HIV incidence among young people, including medical students.
Student of the 3rd course of the specialty "General medicine" Koishiman Yernar presented to the discussion of the participants of the Round table the results of his research - the survey of students of KSMU on HIV prevention and tolerance towards HIV infected people.
Students-participants of the «Round table» did not remain indifferent and actively participated in discussions, expressed their views on the causes of the spread of HIV among young people, the need for further work of students volunteers especially among health care workers and students of medical colleges and Universities, raised the problem of public attitudes towards HIV-infected people.
Summarizing the meeting, A. A. Knaus said that good results on reduction the growth of HIV among young people and change attitudes towards HIV infection people can be achieved  only by joint efforts through clarification of transmission routes, education on prevention of HIV infection. And we should remember that HIV is not transmitted through the friendship!



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