Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The World Day of fighting with diabetes mellitus.

The World Day of fighting with diabetes mellitus.

23 December 2015

As a part of the World Day of fighting with diabetes mellitus the Internal Diseases Department № 1, leaded by the head of the department MD Professor D.Zh.Tayzhanova together with interns of the 7 course the mеeting associated with the prevention of diabetes mellitus was performed. This mеeting was performed in gymnasium № 45 among the students of 7 classes. Organizers of the event were c.m.s. Z.B.Tauesheva, associated professor Z.K.Guseinova, interns from 7-037 group (S. Amanzholov, O. Boyko, E. Samoylenko, N. Tarasova, A. Schekoldina, N. Yakuba) and from 7-028 group – F. Kaliev. The event was attended by the vice director on educational work from gymnasium #45 S.P. Androsenko, teacher of biology discipline - S.N.Salnova and a nurse of the gymnasium - Z.G.Usmanova.

The purpose of this event was to increase knowledge and horizons of students about the problem of diabetes mellitus, its acute and late complications, causes of this disease, predisposing factors and ways of treatment and prevention. It was affected by the problem of proper nutrition among students of junior and senior classes. 

All students took an active part in this event. Questions were raised on the prevention of diabetes and its complications, dietary nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus. To consolidate the information role-playing game was conducted which participants were  7 year students. For this purpose two classes of students were divided into two teams. Students of the first team were called "Vitamin", and the second team title was "Orange". According to the activity and the number of correct answers team "Vitamin" took the first place, the team "Orange" took the second place. Both teams were awarded with diplomas.

All participants were satisfied and got good emotions.

The mentors of the interns of "General Medicine" specialty

c.m.s., Guseinova Z. K.

c.m.s., Tauesheva Z. B.

Internal Diseases Department #1



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