Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Independence illuminating the future!

Independence illuminating the future!

21 December 2015

  Independence Day is an important holiday especially for youth. Know the history of the country they learn human values such as freedom , independence , love of country and willingness to serve the motherland.

On December 14, veterans , teachers and students were the main participants of the solemn meeting. The best employees of KSMU received from the hands of the academic dean V.B. Molotov - Luchansky breastplates «Ғылымды дамытуға сіңірген еңбегі үшін», «Білім беру ісінің кұрметті қызметкері», «Ы.Алтынсарин» and letters of thanks of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Health Department of Karaganda region  and Akim of Karaganda region.

  Creative collectives of department of youth affairs prepared a festive concert. The concert program included musical performances by members of the vocal circle, poems  read by representatives of the Student poetic club «Жыр Жауһар», the participants of ensemble «Қаракөз» showed the dance " Samruk" , dombra players presented Kui - tartys «Әке толғауы».
  Specialist of  Department of youth affairs.



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