Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Double victory.

Double victory.

12 November 2015

  On November 7-8, the municipal debate tournament  dedicated  to the 550year of the Kazakh khanate was conducted in Karaganda state university named after E.A.Buketov. Tournament passed in three formats: American parliamentary (APD), British parliamentary (BPD) and Lincoln-Douglas (LD) and there three languages were used: Kazakh, English and Russian. Center of youth affairs of the city of Karaganda was the organizer of the tournament.

  Karaganda state medical university was represented by the participants of the university debate club “Namys”(kazakh league) and “Insight”(russian league).

On results of tournament our students became possessors of two diplomas of I degree:

  I place (Kazakh league):M. Egentaeva (6-002 Internship) “Namys”;

  I place ( Russian league): G.Danoyan(2-084 GM) “Insight”;

  III place (APD format):M.Koishyn(2-030 GM) and A.Esenbai(2-014 GM).

  All participants of the tournament were awarded the honorary diploma and valuable prizes.

Debate tournament showed that the youth of republic dynamically grew and develops, actively participating in life of society.

  I.Fisenko (3056 GМ)

Head of debate club “Insight”.



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