Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Well-deserved past - a great future (from the book of abstracts of Nursultan Nazarbayev "In the stream of history").

Well-deserved past - a great future (from the book of abstracts of Nursultan Nazarbayev "In the stream of history").

06 November 2015

550-year anniversary of Kazakh statehood is the most important event in the history of Kazakhstan. And it was happened in 2015 year. Holidays and scientific activities dedicated to this grand event in our modern history pass during the year. If you go a little further into history, we can say with confidence that this event has a large-scale and is important for our people and the state as a whole. The formation of the Kazakh Khanate was complex in nature and took a long process for centuries. Formation and development of Kazakh statehood was important for the cohesion and consolidation the Kazakh ethnic group integrity preserving.

At the present stage the main task of the society and the university is to revive a true patriotism as the most important spiritual and moral and social values in our people, because the Kazakhstan has always been a strong spiritual state throughout its history.

The patriotic aspect remains an urgent task of education, regardless of political or social and cultural situation withing the State. The main aim of moral accomplishment of youth in high school is the resurgence of human values through the educational process. In order to realize the value and learn to respect the independence of modern Kazakhstan, it is important to examine each page of its history. Only after that the younger generation could be able to understand that our country is the result of our ancestors’ bloody wars with native lands invaders and defend their faith in the bright future of all the people.

One of the conferences, which are held every week at the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases was dedicated to that important event. Both students and teachers were responsible to the preparation to the conference, trying to cover all the most important questions regarding these or other topics. The material was presented in a comprehensible manner in the form of presentations, reports, and conducts feedback from the audience, share their impressions.

The conference was held with the active participation of students from groups 4-030, 4-031, 4-032, 4-091, 4-102, 4-103, of speciality General Medicine and Dentistry, with interns of groups 7-023, 7-025, as well as teachers of the department. Speakers was Kadyrova Makpal and Nurgaliyeva Perizat , groups 4-031 and 4-091 General Medicine and Dentistry, performed with issues relating to this event. Questions about the history of education in the Kazakh Khanate and the role of Kazakh khans in different periods were raised. The video with fragments of a large-scale concert, which was held in Astana was shown to the audience. I would like to note the high level of department organization and understanding of importance of such events in student’s life, especially for future doctors, because the physician should be fully developed, educated and literate not only in matters of their competence, but also in the history of the Motherland. Person, who does not know the history of the country, does not proud and respect the present and does not care about the future. Long-term experience of the department and sincere dedication are key aspects of the development not only as professionals, but also the spiritual and intellectual development of students of the Department of children’s Infectious Diseases.

Department of Сhildren’s infectious disease,  Head of the Department,  professor R.Kh. Begaidarova



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