Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The main book of the country

The main book of the country

08 September 2015

In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan active students of the University held a roundtable - "The main book of country", which was attended by the students self-management commitee of the university, members and leaders of discussion clubs and club of initiative  students of KSMU.

The main purpose of the meeting was an organization the platform for dialogue with leaders and activists of the University and designation the problems associated with the knowledge of young people of their constitutional rights.

While opening the roundtable, Milaeva Irina Ivanovna, chairman of the commission on formation of legal awareness and professional ethics, said that a good knowledge of the Constitution of the country is the first step in the formation of the legal culture and identity. Every citizen should read the Constitution, understand what unites us, what gives us confidence it is of course, the basic principles of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that is, first of all - social cohesion, political stability and economic development for the benefit of everything. This, of course, and the list of rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution that complies with international acts and requirements.

Agila Fazil made the presentation "What is the Constitution?" on the state language. Agila put emphasis on the fact that the duty of every citizen, is to do everything for the prosperity of the country.

Educated and skilled young people are the future of the country - continued discussion Temirlan Samatov, chairman of CSSG. Our country created more opportunities we need to provide full support for the growing generation.

We are the young, and it is very important to carefully read and understand the Basic Law, and these meetings are very important, - said a student of the 3rd course of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Daulet Kayrberlin.

Issues about the role and status of the Constitution in the modern world, as a guarantor of prosperity and development of the Kazakh society were discussed during the meeting.

Interesting presentations were made by student of the 4th year of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy Zhuldiz Kuanysheva and 3rd year student of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Ruslan Mailybaev, Alua Kenesova, Igor Fissenko, Aizhan Hamzina, Aigul Dzhetibaeva, Narmurad  Ganiev and Yermurat Zeken.

It should be noted that the Committee of student self government is reorganized to the Students Republic "Samruk" of KSMU in accordance with the structure of the political system and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

CSSG of our university offers to organize quiz for students on knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan annually considering the necessity to stimulate the process of studying the "Main book of the country". This will enhance the knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the youth and the growth of patriotism.

All participants of the round table were unanimous in the view that such events unite together young people, give a sense of patriotism, which in turn will give a serious impetus to the development of youth policy.

Department on work with young people.



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