Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
IV International Forum of cardiologists and therapists.

IV International Forum of cardiologists and therapists.

15 April 2015

From the 29th of March till the 1st of April 2015 the head of the Internal diseases department #1 professor D.Zh. Taizhanova and assistant of this department, master of medicine O.A. Visternichan took part in the IVth International Forum of cardiologists and therapists in Moscow (Russian Federation). The scientific program of this Forum included 48 scientific symposiums, where reports were associated with different spheres of cardiology and therapy. 

During the Forum, 4 posters sessions were conducted. The members of Internal diseases department #1 demonstrated 8 poster reports on the problems mentioned above.

Special estimation was given to the report “The influence of the lipid metabolism, system of coagulation changes and genes of the hemostasis system on the development of restenosis of the coronary arteries" prepared by O. A. Visternichan. 

We thank the leadership of KSMU for the given possibility to take part in this Forum. 

Internal diseases department #1.



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