Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International Women`s day!

International Women`s day!

20 March 2015

On March 6, the concert sanctified to the International Women`s day was held in the assembly hall of the university with great success.The special atmosphere - holiday, love and warm reigned in КSMU on this day. The impressive young men met every women and guests of holidayat the entrance with the bunches of flowers.

Honour to open a festive concert was given to the participants of authorial poetic club "Zhyr zhaukhar",that read verses about the dearest people on earth, about our mothers.Academic dean V.B.Molotov-Luchansky and chairman of the "Independent trade union" N.N.Nauryzov officially congratulated the wonderful half of humanity.After such remarkable words the concert was continued by Sultan Аbylbekov with the song "Gul syilaik anaga".Then the dancing collectives "Karakoz" and "Golden step" showed the mastery to the audience.

Mother is the most saint person on earth!Each time hearing this magic word dipped in the most warm and glad feelings.Confessing in love to all mothers, on the stage rose Аydar Tuleev with a song "Ana sen bakyttysyn" and Maksat Srazhdinov with the song "Аsyl ana".

The anchormen of festive concert Salamat Onbay and Ersaiyn Musabaev generously partaken by a festive mood with a hall.

Summing up, it is needed to be marked that event was organized by the Department of Educational and Social Work. It pleased the participants and audience, and also presented mass of the unforgettable impressions and emotions to all person.


(2-001PM,B and P)



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