Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The most accurate.

The most accurate.

18 March 2015

  The personal championship of KSMU was held in the university shooting-gallery on shooting sport on Saturday, March 14. The tournament was sanctified to the memory of glorious daughter of the Kazakh people, to Hero of Soviet Union, to the sharpshooter Aliya Moldagulova.The organizers of tournament were the Sport club of KSMU together with the department of physical culture.

  Over thirty students took part in the competitions.All participants were welcomed  by the chief of the Sport club of KSMU F.Batirov.Wishing to all participants the success he called all fans necessarily to become the participants of the next tournament on shooting. The winner and prizewinners of competition were determined after completion. Among boys, two participants collected the same amount of points - 46. According to the rules, the participant hitting the mark much more times takes the higher place.According to this conditions, the student of the second year Tokmagambetov.Z. (2-089 GМ), became the winner and beat out  Кultanov.Т. (2-021 GМ).

In the personal championship for girls the victory with the result of 43 points from 50 possible was gained by Kirgizova A. (2-001 SB).

  Аidyn Теlmanov (1-011 GМ)



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