Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Dear graduates!
18 May 2023
We invite you to the traditional meeting with graduates of Karaganda Medical University, which will be held in the Assembly Hall (Gogol Street, 40) on Junе 24, 2023 at 10.00.
16 May 2023
"MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA" INFORMATION LETTER conducting a scientific and practical conference with international participation  "Topical issues of clinical psychology of…
Dear students of "MUK" NСJSC!
10 May 2023
A competition is being announced for academic mobility for 4th year students of specialty 6В10122 "Dentistry" in the spring semester of 2022-2023 years at theTashkent State Dental…
Dear students and young scientists of NСJSC "KMU"!
20 April 2023
The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) with the support of the Korea Foundation launches a new program “Learners to Leaders: Nurturing Changemakers Through Global Citizenship…
12 April 2023
On May 12, 2023, at 11.00 a.m., the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Alekseyev Aleksey Vladimirovich on the topic: "Socio-economic efficiency of…
Dear graduates!
11 April 2023
We invite you to the traditional meeting with graduates of Karaganda Medical University, which will be held in the Assembly Hall (Gogol Street, 40) on Juny 24, 2023.
Dear members of the teaching staff of NJSC "MUK"!
24 March 2023
A competition for the passage of academic mobility for faculty members within the framework of the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility program at University of Opole is…
Dear members of the teaching staff of NJSC "MUK"!
24 March 2023
A competition for the passage of academic mobility for faculty members within the framework of the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility program at Mus Alparslan University is…
Dear residents, interns and students!
14 March 2023
We invite you to the meeting of the Journal Club, where the interdisciplinary topic will be discussed: «ADA 2022: A modern algorithm for the treatment of diabetes mellitus from the…
10 March 2023
In the framework of the VI Central Asian International Scientific and Practical Conference on Medical Education "Education of the Future: A Wind of Change" on April 20-21, 2023 is held…
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