Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


16 May 2023



conducting a scientific and practical conference

with international participation

 "Topical issues of clinical psychology of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

(hybrid format)

in the "Medical University of Karaganda"

June 15-16, 2023

in memory of Associate Professor

of the Department

of Psychiatry of KSMU, psychotherapist

Gurova Lyudmila Stepanovna

The conference will be held at the address:

Karaganda, Gogol str., 40,

Karaganda Medical University

The purpose of the Conference is the exchange of experience, discussion of topical issues of development and training of clinical psychology and borderline psychiatry, assistance in improving the functions of a clinical psychologist in the structure of inpatient and outpatient care in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Invited to participate in the conference :

health care organizers, mental health specialists, teachers of medical universities and colleges, psychology faculties of multidisciplinary universities, psychologists of the health and education system, general practitioners, social health workers, specialized specialists, students, residents and undergraduates.

Working languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian.

Forms of participation:

ü presentation with a report (master class, seminar)

ü full-time participation

ü online presentation with a report (master class, seminar)

ü online participation

Conference topics:

• personality psychology and developmental psychology

• psychodiagnostics

• psychocorrection

• child and adolescent psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy

• school psychology

• gerontopsychology, gerontopsychiatry

• psychological counseling

• psychotherapy

• borderline mental disorders

• clinical psychologist at the clinic of internal Diseases

• clinical psychologist in the structure of PHC

• clinical psychologist at the Mental disorders clinic

• deviant behavior

• addictology

• and others .

Types of conference events: master classes, TED lectures, seminars, online seminars, oral presentations and presentations, poster sessions

Register for the conference using the google form link: https://forms.gle/YLw7wBjYysfZfbep8

ØParticipants of the conference will be given a free electronic certificate (12 hours). A link to receive the certificate online will be provided to the participants registered in google form at the end of the conference on 16.06.23.

ØA link to the conference materials from the Cloud will be sent to the participant's email address provided during registration.

ØParticipants of the conference have the opportunity to publish the materials of their scientific research in the quarterly scientific and practical journal "Medicine and Ecology" with a discount on payment. Research materials are accepted for publication only in the form of a scientific article (in the format of a review, an original article, observations from practice), in accordance with the requirements and ethical standards


Articles are accepted to the editorial office of the journal until June 30, 2023 after registration on the journal's website (marked "discounted participant of the conference on clinical psychology") at the following link: (https://medecol.elpub.ru/jour )

After successfully passing the review procedure and approval by the editorial board, the articles will be published in the regular issue of the journal "Medicine and Ecology" with the mentioned discount of the conference participant (the final cost of publishing the article, regardless of the number of pages, will be 5,000 tenge).

Payment for publication - after making a positive decision on publication. Information about the details and the purpose of payment - from the responsible editor of Serbo Ekaterina Sergeevna Serbo@qmu.kz

ØOn June 15, 2023, from 9:00 to 10:20h. during registration of participants in the lobby of the 1st floor (central entrance of the Medical University of Karaganda, Gogol str., 40),:

·  • dating, performance, psychotherapeutic sketches, etc.

·  • * announcement of master classes, seminars and online seminars on June 15-16, 2023, panel blitz sessions

·  • self-presentation, advertising of consulting rooms and psychotherapy centers in the form of a poster session (poster size A1 - 594mm x 841mm), presentations and video presentations, as well as video presentations and video lectures of a psychohygienic, psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic orientation with broadcast on the hall screen - materials are provided until 12.06.2023 only in 16x9 widescreen format, link to the training video:    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLO3bOxoUic)

ØMaterials of speeches (presentations, video presentations, etc.) are sent to the representative of the organizing committee of the conference, Larisa Matsievskaya, by e-mail before 12.06.23:

macievskaya@qmu.kz (limited amount of attachments (up to 25 MB)    kozorina@mail.ru (without limitation of the amount of investments)

ØApplications for presentations with a report, a master class (training seminar) with the mandatory provision of presentation material according to the forms and addresses presented below and the formation of the final program of pre-conferences and conferences are completed on June 12, 2023.

The updated program of pre-conferences and conferences on June 15-16, 2023 is updated according to the submitted applications

Ø  For nonresident participants, the priority choice of nearby hotels and hotels in Karaganda:
·  • Senator Hotel, 33/4 Gogol str.
·  • Hotel "CONTINENT" hall, 16 Tereshkova str./1
·  • Art Nouveau Hotel, 4a Nazarbayev Ave.
·  • Hotel Metelitsa, 56A Bukhar Zhyrau Avenue,
·  • Inn OZZ, Mustafina str., 9/4,
·  • Karaganda Hotel, 66 Bukhar Zhyrau Ave.
·  Self-selection on the websiteГостиницы Караганды, Казахстан в центре | Отели на карте, цены, центральный район (101hotels.com)



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