Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

25 December 2014

Karaganda State Medical University invites you to participate in the International Conference of Young Scientists (hereinafter - Conference) "The world of science and youth: Achievements and Prospects" on February 26, 2015.

The Conference objectives: broad discussion of topical issues of medicine and public health, public awareness about the scientific achievements of young scientists.

The main topics of the conference:

1. Public health and social medicine

2. Clinical medicine

3. Laboratory and molecular medicine

The conference is held for young scientists, masters, doctoral candidates, teachers and researchers up to 35 years old.

Forms of participation: the publication, oral presentation, Е-poster.

The conference materials will be published in collection of scientific researches.

Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

To participate in the conference the following materials should be sent to the Organizing Committee (one set of documents named by the first author's name):

1. The application for participation in the Conference (form attached);

2. The scanned version of the first page publication with the visa of the supervisor;

3. The report, abstract (electronic versions);

4. Scanned version of the receipt of payment of the registration fee and/or publication.

Abstracts, reports, E-posters provided to the Conference should include experience, achievements and results of current research in the field of medicine and health care.

Abstracts in Kazakh, Russian and English languages (electronic version) with the registration form must be submitted to the organizing committee before February 9, 2015.

Requirements for abstracts

1.  Abstracts should contain no more than 30 lines per page, with single interval between the lines, font Times New Roman, Kz Times New Roman size 12, with 2 cm margins at the top and bottom, 4 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the right. The first line contains the UDC to the abstract, the second – authors’ names (up to five) * indicating the supervisor. Line below - the name of the article (in capital letters), on the next line - the name of the institution, city **. At the end of the article addresses and phone numbers of authors should be listed. No more than 2 abstracts of the same authors are accepted for publication. The size of abstract - no more than 3 pages.

* Name of the author (s) indexes to the place where they work – A.V. Vitavskaya 1, N.I. Ponomareva 2, G.K. Altynbayeva 3.

** Place of the author (s) job - Almaty Technological university1, National Center of Scientific and Technical information2, Industrial institute of Rudniy3.

2.  Photos, pictures and drawings should be scanned or performed in the electronic version. Photos should be contrast, pictures - clear, captions to illustrations are required. Captions to micrographs necessarily indicate a process for dyeing, increasing.

3.  Tables should be titled, numbered and stamped.

4.  Only standard abbreviations of names, words and titles are allowed. The measures should be given in the SI system. The abbreviations stand after the first appearance in the text and remain unchanged.

5.  References should be listed alphabetically and be issued in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. The text provides bibliographic reference to the serial number of the source in square brackets. References to unpublished works are not allowed.

6.  The materials will be published in a journal using blind copy method so the articles are accepted only in carefully edited form with all above requirements.

7.  Providing of previously published or submitted to other publication works is not permitted.

8.  The cost of publication is 250 tenge per page.

9.  The registration fee of 1500 tenge can be transfered up to February 9, 2015to the account of " NGO Independent Trade Union of staff and students of Karaganda State Medical University ". Travel expenses and accommodation are at the expense of the sending part.

10.  The cost of the registration fee of 1500 KZT  includes:

-  participation in the conference,

-  receipt of conference materials (electronic version),

-  certificate of participation.

The Organizing Committee and the Editorial Committee have the rights to select absracts and works for the conference.

The deadline for submitting materials for publication in the collection and applications for participation - up to February 9, 2015.

Registration fee for 1 person - 1500 tenge.

Requirements for e-Poster

Posters will be displayed throughout the conference in electronic form only. Format posters - MS PowerPoint, the number of slides 6-8. The structure of the report: introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusion.

Completed application form, electronic version of the report, abstract, poster and a copy of the payment of the registration and the publication fees, please, send on e-mail: smu-qmu@mail.ru


Application for participation in the Conference and the abstract are valid only in the case of sending acknowledgment of receipt of the information by the conference organizers to your email.


100000, Kazakhstan,

Karaganda, Gogol str. 40

Karaganda State Medical University

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

Vice President for Research, MD, d.m.s.Turmuhambetova Anar Akylbekovna


Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists KSMU

Izdenov Aset izdenov@qmu.kzphone: 8701-756-56-17

Head of the Department of Management Science and Innovation

Edilbaeva Tanzira edilbaeva@qmu.kz

Deputy Chairman of Council of Young Scientists KSMU

Aijan Nurgalieva NurgalievaA@qmu.kz phone 8702-663-18-63

Contact information of the Secretaries of the collection of the conference:

Kadyrova Irina, phone: 8701-503-37-30

Dauletkalieva Zhaniya, phone: 8701-754-53-49

e-mail: smu-qmu@mail.ru 

KSMU requisites for payment for publication:

Details for payment fee:

РГП «Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет»

Адрес: Караганда, ул. Гоголя, 40

ИИК  KZ698560000000502860

БИН  990240001118

Тел.:  51-38-97

Банк  ФАО «БанкЦентрКредит»

г. Караганда


Кбе  16

КНП 859

С пометкой «за публикацию статьи в сборнике»

«ОО Независимый профсоюз

сотрудников и студентов КГМУ»

АО Народный Банк Казахстана

БИН 030240000359


ИИК KZ166010191000044760

Код 18

КНП 859

С пометкой «за орг. взносы»

С пометкой «за организацию выставки»,

«за спонсорскую помощь»

Appendix 1

Application for participation in the conference

Full name

In Kazakh ____________________________________________________________________

In Russian ____________________________________________________________________

In English ____________________________________________________________________


The organization, position________________________________________________________

Telephone______________________________________ fax ___________________________


Zip Address___________________________________________________________________

  Oral report  publication  E - Poster

The title of report_______________________________________________________________

The tenure of the conference: arrival day ____________________________________________

  Departure day _________________________________________

Please reserve a place in the hotel from «________________» to «_________________»

«_____»______________20___ .

  (date of filling in)



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