Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear friends!

Dear friends!

07 September 2023

NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda" together with the Association "NEIRON" hereby expresses its respect to you and asks you to take part in the International scientific and practical conference: "Cognitive disorders: priority areas in diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Geriatric patient: active longevity”, which will be held in a mixed format on September 08, 2023. Leading domestic and foreign experts will present the latest methods of diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of cognitive impairment in various nosologies, introduce modern technologies and invaluable experience in managing a geriatric patient.

Registration of participants is carried out until September 08, 2023 at the link https://cos.qmu.edu.kz/web/index.php?r=conference/create . After registration, a link will be automatically sent to the e-mail you specified to activate your registration data, after which you will be entered as a participant in this event. At the end of the conference, all participants who have confirmed the activation will receive a certificate in electronic form.

Conference  languages: Russian, Kazakh, English.

The purpose of the conference: exchange of experience, discussion of topical aspects in the field of cognitive sphere, new approaches in geriatrics, identification of problems and ways to solve them in the direction of active longevity.

The main directions of the conference:

·  Prospects for the study, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders in various diseases in modern conditions;

·  Geriatric patient: active longevity and new possibilities of medical and nursing diagnostic process and therapy in geriatrics;

·  Actual directions of cognitive rehabilitation and prevention of cognitive impairment in various diseases of the nervous system;

·  Geriatric patient in neurology, internal medicine and nursing.

As part of the ongoing conference, authors under the age of 35 inclusive will have the opportunity to participate in person in the satellite symposium "School of Young Scientists".

Forms of participation in the section "School of young scientists": participation + publication, participation + publication + report, participation + report, participation as a listener.

While participating in the section "School of Young Scientists" with a report, it is necessary to send a registration card-application of the participant with information about the report by August 18 to e-mail: yablonskaya@qmu.kz  After sending the registration card, the organizing committee of the "School of Young Scientists" section will send you a confirmation of registration and information about the location of the event. Participation is free. Participants who take 1-3 places will be awarded diplomas of 1-3 degrees.

When participating in the School of Young Scientists section, in the form of a publication, it is necessary to send a paper designed in accordance with the requirements (requirements for publications here https://qmu.edu.kz/ru/contents/list/682 ), with a positive review, the work will be published in scientific -practical journal "Medicine and Ecology" (the deadline for submission of materials is September 08, 2023). Publication of an article in the journal "Medicine and Ecology" - 5,000 tenge.

When participating in the School of Young Scientists section as a face-to-face listener,  you must send the registration card-application of the participant as a student to the e-mail: yablonskaya@qmu.kz  After sending the registration card, the organizing committee of the section "School of Young Scientists" will send you a confirmation of registration and information about the venue. Participation is free.

The detailed program of the conference will be presented later.

 Contact coordinates of the organizing committee:

Turgunov Ermek Meyramovich, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of NJSC "MUK";

Polyakova Elena Olegovna, Dean of the School of General Medicine of NJSC "MUK", e-mail: polyakova@qmu.kz  ;

Estemesova Karlygash Amangeldievna, Candidate of biological science., Dean of the School of Nursing Education NJSC "MUK", e-mail: estemesova@qmu.kz;

Kispayeva Tokzhan Tokhtarovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., NJSC "MUK", President of the professional association "NEIRON", tel. + 7-778-459-09-79; e-mail: kispayevatt@mail.ru ;

Bolshakova Inna Alexandrovna, assistant professor of NJSC "MUK", mob. 8-777-351-25-04 (responsible secretary for the sector "School of young scientists");

Yablonskaya Victoria Yurievna, NJSC "MUK", 8-747-285-52-90.



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