Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear graduates of schools of Atyrau and Mangystau regions (regardless of the year of graduation)!

Dear graduates of schools of Atyrau and Mangystau regions (regardless of the year of graduation)!

16 July 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the “Karaganda Medical University” NCJSC has placed a state educational order for the training of personnel with higher education in the following volume:

for Atyrau region – 36, of which:


В050 “Biological and related sciences”



B072 “Pharmaceutical production technology”


for the Mangystau region – 83, of which:


В050 “Biological and related sciences”



B072 “Pharmaceutical production technology”


Requirements for participation in the competition for the award of Atyrau-Mangystau Target Grant, hosted at our university:

·  Have a certificate of Unified National Testing conducted from May 16 to July 5 of the current year;

·  Combination of specialized subjects: Biology-Chemistry;

·  The threshold score is 50 (at least 5 points for each subject).

IMPORTANT: Persons participating in the framework of the Atyrau-Mangystau Target Grant cannot simultaneously participate in the general competition.

You can apply for participation in the competition for the award of the Atyrau-Mangystau Target Grant in one of the following ways:

1.  Apply to the Admission Committee of the Karaganda Medical University at the address: Karaganda, Gogol str. 40 (from the left end), 121 office;

2.  By calling the virtual Admissions Office of the Karaganda Medical University at the link: https://jabber-guest.qmu.kz/call/5016;

3.  Apply to the Admission Committee of the nearest university and apply through them to the NAO “Karaganda Medical University” (university number – 30).

We wish you good luck and look forward to your applications!



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