Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear colleagues and students!

Dear colleagues and students!

16 June 2020

The Anti-corruption Standard for ensuring openness and transparency in higher and (or) postgraduate education organizations was approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 174 dated May 04, 2020,


1. What do participants in the educational process need to know?

  The standard has been developed to eradicate corruption in the system of higher and postgraduate education.

  2. The basic principles of integrity, openness and transparency:

  - good faith;

  - implementation of the protection of the rights of the author and his successors;

  - openness;

  - respect for the rights and freedoms of students;

  - equality.

  3. What is the culture of integrity of "Karaganda Medical University" NCJSC based on?

  All participants in the educational process of the university must strictly observe the principles of integrity, openness and transparency.

  The teacher / employee is required to:

  - to be a model of decency and intelligence, morality, moral adversary, any adversary of any manifestations of corruption, indiscipline and irresponsibility;

  - define educational work with students, concern for their education and culture, education of true patriots of their homeland, as one of the main directions of their activities;

  - counteract any manifestations of corruption and take measures to prevent it;

  - to show students the inadmissibility of corruption by personal example;

  - to promote a system of moral values, obligations and requirements of good behavior based on generally recognized moral principles and standards of Kazakhstani society and the state;

  - be honest and impartial in the professional activities and evaluation of their colleagues and students;

  - be independent in the performance of official duties;

  - suppress the facts of violation of official ethics by others; prevent such violations on their part;


The student is required to:

  - strive to become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a professional in the chosen specialty, to develop the best personality qualities in himself;

  - respect the teacher as a person and personality, while excluding any actions associated with the influence of any interests that impede the conscientious fulfillment of the teacher's duties;

  - conscientious attitude to training and all forms of knowledge control, considering dishonesty and negligence unacceptable;

  - be an example of decency, culture and morality, intolerant of manifestations of corruption and, first of all, not allowing their own corrupt behavior.

Compliance office


Compliance Officer - Urmashov Alexandr, urmashov@kgmu.kz, +7 7212 50 39 30 (1273)

Office Specialist - Bieva Saule, Bieva@qmu.kz, +7 7212 50 39 30 (1269)



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