Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Announcement of the selection of documents applicants for a vacant position

Announcement of the selection of documents applicants for a vacant position

22 February 2019

Title of the post: Board Chairman – Chancellor of the «Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company.

Location: Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda city, Nikolay Gogol street 40.

Accountable to: The Ministry of Healthcare of Republic of Kazakhstan.

Brief description of the company's main activity:  

1) Training in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, scientific and technical innovative activities, research works, including basic and applied scientific research;

  2) Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification in master’s degree, residency, doctoral studies;

  3) Training, retraining and advanced training of health care workers and the highly qualified teaching staff;

The Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the selection for the vacant position of Board Chairman - Rector of the«Karaganda Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock companyof the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Place and date of the interview: Astana, MangilikYel 8 Ave., House of Ministries.

Tel.:(7172) 74-32-99, 74-36-86

Documents can be submitted by anyone, including foreign citizens, who have not been brought to justice for the commission of corruption offenses and that meet the following qualification requirements:

1. Required:

1)  Higher medical education;

2)  The presence of an academic degree of master or doctor of PhD in the field of "Public Health", "Health Management", "Management" or "Medicine" (for persons who completed training in the scientific and pedagogical magistracy before 2011) or Master in educational MBA program or a scientist degree in medicine;

3)  5 years of work experience in leadership positions in public health authorities or in health organizations.


1)  Experience of scientific or scientific-pedagogical work for at least 10 years (for foreign citizens - including 5 years at universities that are in list of the prestigious international rankings);

2)  Fluency in English and in state or Russian languages;

3)   The presence of scientific achievements - the Hirsch index according to Scopus and Web of Science, no less than 10;

4)  Membership in international professional associations (in medical education or management fields);

Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

1)  University development program;

2)  CV in the state, Russian and English languages;

3)  Autobiography, set out in an arbitrary form;

4)  documentary evidence of compliance with qualification requirements;

5)  a copy of an identity card or passport;

6)  other documents relating to the level of professional training.

Documents must be submitted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement at:

Astana city, Mangilik Yel 8 avenue, House of Ministries, 5 entrance.

Telephone for information: 74-32-99, 74-36-86,

Email: ai.rakhimova@mz.gov.kz

Note: Applicants who have been pre-screened are interviewed at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



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