Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Dear academic staff of KSMU!

Dear academic staff of KSMU!

09 February 2018

International Cooperation Department informs about the beginning of accepting applications for mobility at the Ataturk University (Turkey) in the framework of the Mevlana Exchange programme.

Deadline: February 26, 2018.

Results will be announced in May, 2018


- The period of mobility of the academic staff is expected from 2 weeks to 3 months;

In order to participate in this program, academic staff should:

-  Fill in the online application on the link: oia.atauni.edu.tr/application/staff;

-  Attach CV (including publications, presentations, projects).


- academic staff should give a lectures at least 6 hours a week which will be paid by the Turkish side. If the teachers do not accumulate the required number of hours, seminars, work in a group conducted by academic staff, and also participation in conferences will be estimated.

- 3300 Turkish lira is paid for the travel at the expense of the program, accommodation is provided by the host university, and a daily allowance of between 40 and 50 Turkish lira will be paid depending on the science degree.

For additional information on the program, contact the International Cooperation Department (40 Gogol st., room 331a).



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