Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


21 November 2016

Defense of the dissertation work for a degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of Nurgaliyeva Assel Sericovnaon the subject" Molecular-cellular predictors of chronic kidney diseases "in the specialty 6D110100 – "Medicine" will take place in Karaganda State Medical University.

Thesis performed at the Scientific and biochemical laboratory of the Department of Biological chemistry .

Defense language: Russian.


Alikhanova A. Karlygash - doctor of medical science, professor, Head of the Department of General Practice and nursing №3 of Karaganda state medical university, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, specialty 14.00.05;

Shaymardanova G. M. - doctor of medical sciences, the head of pathomorphology department, NSMC, specialties 14.00.15; 14.00.16.

The list of documents for dissertation council of qmu (Karaganda State Medical University)

Video of the thesis for the degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of Nurgaliyeva Assel Sericovna

Video of the thesis for the degree of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) of Nurgaliyeva Assel Sericovna

Scientific consultants:

Molotov — Luchansky Vilen Borisovich - doctor of Medical science, professor,  vice - rector for Educational and methodical work of KSMU, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Muravlyova Larissa Evgenyevna – doctor of Biological Science, professor, head of department of Biological chemistry of KSMU, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Vaiva Hendrixson - doctor PhD of medical sciences, associate professor at Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

The defense will take place on December 21, 2016 at 09 o’clock in the morning in Karaganda state medical university, address: 100008, Karaganda, Gogol Str., 40, 2th floor, hall of the academic council.



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