Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The academic mobility journey to Lithuania

The academic mobility journey to Lithuania

10 February 2015

In our University, students have an opportunity to take part in different programs and study abroad. One of this lucky beggar is Mansur Serikzhanov – the 4th year student, group 4-089, General medicine specialty, who participated in academic mobility program in Vilnius, Lithuania. He was accorded a heartly welcom over there. In Vilnius University, he had the  subjects, we have not in our University. Teaching staff, Mansur had in Vilnius, consisted of professors. During whole semester he was present at more than 40 surgeries. Operation rooms are modernly equipped. Residents and professors performed surgeries. The students of the 5-6th year from Georgia and Ukraine, where studying with him. During semester, students performed different manipulations on a mannikin and compared techniques of their countries. The base of diagnostics is similar in our countries but there are differences in climate and ethnic questions which are very important. Mansur participated in International Conference "The Present and Future of Fetal Surgery". The main specialists of European countries participated in this Conference. They performed online master-class and presented problems about surgery in pregnant. The success of surgeries depends on experience and, according to the research results, early diagnostics. Therefore, for future mothers ultrasound is very important because early diagnostics of fetal defects can safe a baby from disabilities.

Lithuania is a country of abundant past with cultural and inward variety. During the walk in Vilnius, you can mark that a plenty of tourists on the streets make the city livid, every alley has its own historical value, adds mystery, and highlights of restaurants and stores make it more bright and beautiful. On the Cathedral Square, you can see unity of medieval architecture monuments and modern European buildings.

I am very grateful to administration of Karaganda State Medical University, including Asel Serikovna, Ayman Serikbaevna, Vilen Borisovich and Raushan Sultanovna. They gave me opportunity to acquire new knowledge abroad. In addition, I am grateful to teachers of Vilnius University for knowledge and clinical experience they gave me, - said Mansur Serikzhanov.

Suleimenov Madyar

Informative sector of CSSG of 4 year students

of faculty of General medicine and stomatology



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