Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Smooth things down for a grizzle and help him a bit, because one day you will also realize what is hoariness

Smooth things down for a grizzle and help him a bit, because one day you will also realize what is hoariness

02 February 2015

Аssistants and interns of the department of general practice No. 1 in the frameworks of educational and training work  2014 have started to supervise State Enterprise “Home for the elderly and disabled ” which is located in Prishakhtinsk. The meetings and clinical examinations of the wards with somatic pathology were held several times in a month. Such conversations of interns with older people have promoted development of both professional skills and achievement of such personal characteristics of a doctor as tenderness, kindness and empathy.

At the hands of the elderly and disabled people that live in the house , we have met a trust and great sociability. One of the set tasks was to increase the level of knowledge of supervised people concerning their health and treatment of their diseases. In this regard, one of the first presentations “What is ischemic heart disease?” was prepared and performed. Then an extensive discussion of this topic, answers to the questions, which we got from elderly people that were there, took place.

Besides, on the eve of the New Year holidays assistants and students of the department of  general  practice No.1 also got up concert where we gave gifts to residents of the house for the elderly and disabled.

We managed to brighten their gray days for a while and help wards to forget about their troubles and loneliness.

Teachers of the department of general practice No.1 would like to emphasize and thank the following students of the department of general medicine, group 5-058: Akparov Sultanbek, Golovastaya Nadezhda, Kasimov Ruslan, Kuptsov Sergey, Kempirov Meiram, Mychko Artem and Tursunova Tanzilya for their kind hearts, active participation in preparation of concert programme and carrying out of charity events in the house for the elderly and disabled.

Further, employees and interns of the department are going to continue supervisory work in this direction. On February, 2015 there will be the next meeting and presentation in the following topic “How dangerous is arterial pressure and how to fight it”.

Аssistant of the department of general practice No.1 Yelena Polyakova



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