Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Day of Languages

The Day of Languages

09 October 2014

The day of languages of Kazakhstani people was declared the holiday by the Presidential Decree of January 20, 1998 and since then justly became the general holiday of all Kazakhstan citizens. At the heart of the holiday there is an idea that each language is a part of cultural heritage of all mankind and each culture is an invaluable contribution to the world civilization.

More than 130 nationalities live in Kazakhstan. They all speak different languagesand at the same time they are connected by the links of brotherhood and mutual help, clear understanding that despite our differences we are all united and happy family and every language has its own history and its own destinyrelated to the fate of other languages. 

  Within the Day of Languages of Kazakhstani people in the Medical Academy MIA RK of B. Beysenov the gala concert prepared by the student's amateur talent groupsof Karaganda State Medical University took place. The gala concert devoted to the Day of Languages was opened by the head of the circle“Conferencier”Kabdusheva Aizhan, who is the student of the Public healthcare faculty from 5-005 group and by the student of General Medicine faculty from 3-013 group Onbay Salamat. Then the head of the state language and information department of the Medical Academy MIA RK of B. Beysenov Tulyubayeva Nazym Shalgimbayevna and the senior teacher of language preparation, Candidate of Philology Abutaliyeva Aynur Abdimanapovna made the congratulatory speeches.

  The concert program was opened by the winner of «Жастар Жұлдыздары» festival, the laureate of Respublican, regional and city competitions the National belly dance group "Қаракөз" with the dances «Махаббат Сыры» and «Никола,нидвора…»". "The Indian Dance" was performed by the principal dancer of "Golden Step" dancing group Hassanova Almira. The show ballet "Etude" performed the dance "The memory of Michael Jackson".

  Also our teachers didn’t stay on the sidelines. In particular Bauirzhan Madiev, the lecturer of the General Hygiene and Ecology Department masterfully performed the groovy solo on saxophone. 

  The great response from the audience was caused by the students’ performance from poetic club «Жыр Жауһар» with composition «Мен Қазақпын». The guys are the true patriots of their country and language. Also the song «Comment vivre sans toi» of KSMU vocalists Bekmurzayeva Diana and Khusainova Anastasia and "Atameken" of Zhanayapova Gulden stuck in memory. Baynazar Nurlayym traditionally closed the concert program with the song «Тәуелсіз қазақелі».

  The language policy and its implementation in the country depends on the general human culture of each member of society and friendship between the people inhabiting this country.

Kabdusheva Ayzhan 5-005 OZ, Skendirova Azima of 3-085 OHMS



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