Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The joy of meeting

The joy of meeting

15 August 2014

The word «nostalgia» is used to seeing only a sad sense. But nostalgia can cause not only pain, but also to encourage the movement, search and organize meetings with witnesses and guardians of your past. Then there are great traditions meetings of graduates of schools, universities. 

This tradition has long prevailed in our Karaganda state medical university. Alma mater always presents in the life of each one of her child, after they are fledged, embarked on the wing and makes its high flight. Therefore, they are invisible threads forever associated with it, with their peers and teachers, and this relationship could not be better seen in the days of reunions.

The graduates of different years now have the opportunity to meet in a single day for all high school graduates. This year that day was announced Saturday, the 28th of June. However, this year was a special double anniversary for one of the cohorts of students of the university. The 10th graduation of the Karaganda State Medical Institute celebrated the fiftieth anniversary. Such lovely numerals are 10 and 50. As if the childhood and maturity were united in a jiffy! That is why it was decided to provide this wonderful event on a separate day. On Friday, the 27th of June, this meeting took place.

 It brought together more than 70 former students of the distant 60's. They are now gray-haired, but all the same, the provocative young people, who put together the glory of domestic medicine. The organizer and inspirer of this meeting was Telman Zeinullovich Seysembekov, doctor of medical sciences, honored professor of KSMU. He is the author of the book, released for the day of the meeting «50 years of the tenth graduation of KSMI». It was a truly royal gift for all, who gathered at the university on that day. The book tells about 115 classmates of Telmann Zeinullovich, it contains the unique photo and information about the life way of each character. We are proud to announce the names of the graduation: A. M. Filatov, K. A. Azhmukhanbetov, A. B. Bashirov, V. I. Koloskov, M. T. Aitkulov, I. L. Sova, Z. Ye. Bavelskiy, V. G. Bekk, Ye. S Baimyshev, V. V. Karavay. And this is a small part of the list of graduates of 1964.

On this day the real joy reigned in the Assembly hall, the anthem of profession and life sounded. The participants told the autobiographical stories, with humor remembered the curious cases of student pores. The graduates of with sorrow and love were talking about the deceased, who left a bright trace in the history of the university and the health of our country.

With much gratitude and love all the speakers talked about the first rector of KSMU P. M. Pospelov, about unforgettable educators of KSMI, who raised the pleiad of talented doctors and scientists of Kazakhstan.On the next day the Assembly hall of KSMU again sparkled with light and smiles of graduates, who celebrated the 25th, 30th, 40th and 45th anniversary of our institution graduation. But this is another story!

Vivat academia!



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