Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Originsof tolerance

Originsof tolerance

15 May 2014

Majilisman Askar Bazarbayev arrived to Karaganda with a pleasant mission. He awarded a letter of thanks of Kazakhstan People's Assembly to the deputy of regional maslihat, rector of Karaganda state medical university Raushan Dosmagambetova.

In a letter of thanks signed by the deputy chairman of the Kazakhstan People's Assembly Yeraly Tugzhanov expressed the gratitude and appreciation to Raushan Dosmagambetova for the high service for humanistic ideals of good, spiritual harmony, friendship strengthening and inter-ethnic unity. These are not empty words. Karaganda state medical university is considered as one of the most international universities in the region, where representatives of 40 nationalities are trained. Among the foreign students are citizens of India, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

On the constant base in university the meetings with representative persons of Kazakhstan People's Assembly, where the students are acquainted with unique culture and traditions of nations of Kazakhstan. The advocacy of nations friendship, the consolidation of country unity are realizing by means of creative work.

The folk ensemble of oriental dance «Каракөз», whose repertoire has dance of many countries, for a long time has a well-deserved popularity not only among students and teachers KSMU, but among the townspeople. The dancers are the permanent members of celebrations on the university and regional level. And all of this became possible thanks to the full support of the leaders of medical university.




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