Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Considered issues of development of occupational medicine and medical ecology

Considered issues of development of occupational medicine and medical ecology

23 November 2023

In honor of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health's 65th anniversary, a scientific and practical conference titled “Prospects for the development of occupational medicine and medical ecology” with international participation was held at the NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University” on November 2-3, 2023, at the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health in collaboration with the Regional Public Organization “Association of Occupational Pathologists.” For experts from all around the world (Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, etc.), the conference provided a dynamic platform.

Key directions of the conference: issues of health protection of the working population. Innovative methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases and work-related diseases; issues of controlled use of chrysotile asbestos and problems of studying asbestos-related diseases; issues of labor protection, preventive medicine, hygienic regulation of industrial and environmental factors.

The forum featured a session on “Topical issues of medical examinations and professional suitability” and a round table discussion on “Risks of COVID-19 infection among medical staff.” There was also a contest for the works of young scientists.

The causes and answers to challenges of health protection of the working population were addressed, along with the most significant and important issues in occupational medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan and around the world.

The importance of cross-sectoral and interdepartmental cooperation in addressing issues of health protection of the working population was demonstrated by the attendance of representatives of government agencies, employees of the country's medical universities, scientific and medical organizations, trade union representatives, large companies, businesses, and colleagues from Uzbekistan and Russia.

The Institute of Public Health and Professional Health's development prospects and history were presented by B.K. Omarkulov, the Institute's director.

The report noted the many years of work of employees of the Research Institute, where scientific research was carried out aimed at improving the working conditions and character of labor, determining safe levels of exposure with the calculation of production risks, fundamental and applied research on the influence of production and environmental factors on the human body, the combined influence of industrial agents, diagnosis and treatment of occupational and work-related diseases. The Institute developed and introduced amendments to regulations, regulatory hygiene documentation, and issued methodological recommendations at the republican and local levels; an assessment was carried out of the project documentation of facilities under construction, technological lines and production processes, methodological and regulatory documents.

The report by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.V. Kovalevsky (Moscow), on the topic of “Risk of death from malignant neoplasms in connection with occupational exposure to chrysotile asbestos” was of great interest, because it discussed the difficulties in determining occupational hazards, worker health, and the effects of chrysotile dust on the body. This study brought to the conference attendees' notice the significance of researching this issue.

Dust pathology is the most important occupational pathology problems in the Republic, and it was the topic of a report by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the NCJSC “Karaganda Medical University” L.K. Ibrayeva “Toxicokinetics of microfine dust aerosols in the body.”

The lively discussions that took place throughout every section were a highlight of the conference. Experts from various areas of worker health study shared their unique perspectives, resulting in a lively exchange of ideas.

Professor A.U. Amanbekova, Chief Occupational Pathologist of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, and Chief Non-Staff Occupational Pathologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made a report on “The State of the Occupational Medicine Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The speaker stated that the health of the workforce is the most important indicator of public health. There is a 70% increase in occupational morbidity in the country through 2022 compared to 2021, primarily in the mining and coal industries, necessitating a detailed study of working conditions and the implementation of preventive measures at these enterprises.

The conference focused on current research areas in occupational medicine such as hygienic, experimental, epidemiological, and clinical research.

The issues of assessing occupational hazards, worker health in chrysotile production, and experimental and research work to measure the effect of chrysotile dust on the body were discussed.

During the conference, current occupational hygiene and occupational pathology issues were discussed in the context of Kazakhstan's healthcare reform, which includes a transition to digital technologies.

The seminar discussed the state of the country's occupational pathology service, identified the main areas for preserving the health of workers engaged in hazardous working conditions, presented health protection programs in the mining and metallurgical industries, and held an extensive discussion on improving the country's occupational pathology care standard.

The conference participants agreed on a scientific and practical position in understanding the main areas for implementing the tasks set by the conference's program issues, and noted that preserving the health of the population remains the Republic of Kazakhstan's most important priority.

This type of international event gives an incentive and motivation to improve the quality of medical care for the working population, as well as the advancement of occupational hygiene and occupational medicine.



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