Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Flashmob «80 anniversary of Karaganda»

Flashmob «80 anniversary of Karaganda»

16 April 2014

The 1 April! This day wait for any draw or prepare for a ridiculous situation, but our activists of CSSG and department of educational work and youth policy organized the dancing flashmob devoted to celebration of the 80 anniversary of the Karaganda city. This action was held within the walls of the KSMU main case, at the address: Gogol St., 40. 

In the flow area where during a break the majority of students and teachers gathers, employees of the university, the flashmob didn't leave anybody indifferent, caused interest and even participation of the audience who broke into a dance after the first steps of incendiary music of the jazz and a rock'n'roll. Many hurried to photograph, shoot the events with the camera.

It should be mentioned that participants of the action aren't professional actors or dancers, they participate with the main aim: to express through dance of feeling of love to the city and the university, feeling of participation in common cause.

Participants of the action got new friends, the audience derived pleasure, good mood and mass of positive emotions from representation.

For all this, there is a wish to express special gratitude to the head of a circle of modern dances of KSMU "Yes Team" Anton Knaus and participants: Zhuzbayev Brimzhan, Sinyagayeva Victoria, Zhumagaliyeva Dinara, Shinkentayeva Guldana, Kakenov Azamat, Ibragimova Meruyert, to Kamalov Shakhmurat, Baratova Nargiza, Elubay Makhabbat, Conrad Anna, to Daukenova Anara, Nurgaliyeva Gulzhaynat, Bokayeva Meruyert, to Bezborodova Anastasia.

 Participants of the action for short term, despite the employment, experiences and responsibility for preparation to "midterm examination", allocated time for carrying out rehearsals and organized an unforgettable colorful show.

Everyone, despite the social status and age can become the participant, join!

Yekaterina Shendrikova,

Student of the 2 year

Responsible for cultural sector of CSSG 



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