Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Clinical Pharmacology: progress on the path of learning

Clinical Pharmacology: progress on the path of learning

28 April 2023

Clinical pharmacology is a medical discipline that scientifically studies the effects of drugs on the human body in order to improve the effectiveness and safety of clinical use of drugs. A clinical pharmacologist occupies a special place in the nomenclature of medical specialties, because, unlike other doctors, this specialist has two labor functions. The first is clinical. The second is organizational and analytical. The clinical function implies therapeutic and advisory work. Doctors of other specialties turn to a clinical pharmacologist when it is necessary to consult a patient who does not respond to "standardized" treatment. Organized-analytical function – is associated with expert activity and circulation of medicines in a medical organization.

At the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-based Medicine of NC JSC "KMU" training of future specialists in residency on EP "Clinical Pharmacology" is carried out. The clinical bases of this residency are the leading multidisciplinary clinics of Karaganda city: Clinic of Medical University, the PSE on the REM "Multidisciplinary Hospital named after Prof. H. J. Makazhanov" NARROWLY, the PSE Regional Children's Clinical Hospital NARROWLY, the PSE on the REM "Regional Clinical Hospital" NARROWLY. For residents' participation in all therapeutic activities conducted in the clinical bases, the presence in the staff of these clinics of the Department staff as doctors - clinical pharmacologists plays an important role. During the training period, the resident is involved in all types of therapeutic activities: advising patients and physicians on the rational use of drugs, conducting clinical and pharmacological expertise, participation in the process of drug circulation in the clinic, pharmacovigilance, etc.

In addition, an important aspect in the training of a resident clinical pharmacologist, taking into account the specifics of the job functions, is research work. By performing the research component of training, the resident clinical pharmacologist develops the skills of a researcher, a medical expert, and a manager. Therefore, it is very important for residents to publish the results of their research and present the results to the medical community.

On April 12-13, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Youth: Discoveries and Prospects" for students and young scientists dedicated to the Day of Science Workers was held at NC JSC “Astana Medical University”. Within the framework of the conference, a 2-year resident of the specialty "Clinical Pharmacology" Ayat Zh. B. took part with a sectional report "Safety of drug therapy in geriatric practice".

Research in this direction is relevant and in demand, taking into account the risks of using drugs in elderly patients. The report was presented by the resident at a high level, received many positive reviews and took first place in the section "Patient Safety".



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