Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Pathophysiologists prize winners of the International Olympiad!

Pathophysiologists prize winners of the International Olympiad!

26 April 2023

There was 04/21/2023 hosted the Annual International Student Olympiad of the School of General Medicine-1 among students of 1-3 courses on the basis of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov”. The Olympiad was held in 11 sections. In the section "Pathological Physiology" the honor of our Non-commercial Joint-stock Company “KMU”, department of Pathology was defended by the teams "Altair - 1" and "Altair - 2", which included 3rd year students of the specialty "General Medicine" studying in the Kazakh language: Ismail Bagdat, Amankul Inkar, Amantai Ademi, Azimkhan Zhuldyz, and in Russian: Segizbaeva Angelina, Kanibekova Makpal, Madaliev Shakhriyor, Nechiporenko Alena.

Heads of students: Head of the Department of Pathology of NCJSC“KMU”, Professor Zhautikova Saule Bazarbaevna, Associate Professor Abikenova Fatima Samitovna, assistant professors Zhienbaeva Kymbat Muratkyzy, Suleimenova Bakhyt Maratovna, Baryshnikova Irina Alexandrovna, Arinova Saparkul Makhambetkalievna. The Olympiad was held online in two rounds. 15 teams of medical universities from Turkey, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan participated. Participants demonstrated their knowledge of the pathogenesis of various diseases and syndromes. The knowledge and skills of our students were highly appreciated by the commission of judges, despite the great competition: the 1st place was taken by the team "Altair-2", the 3rd place was taken by the team "Altair-1". Team members and leaders were awarded cups, diplomas and certificates.



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