Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Forum on topical issues of infectious diseases in children and adults

Forum on topical issues of infectious diseases in children and adults

18 April 2023

On April 4-5, 2023, in Urgench, Uzbekistan, on the basis of the Urgench,s branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, an international scientific and practical conference was held: "Modern trends in the development of infectology, medical parasitology, epidemiology and microbiology"

The issues of the conference were devoted to topical problems of epidemiology, clinic, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children and adults. This large-scale scientific and practical event was implemented in the “share experience-show-tell” format.

Leading scientists represented the conference participants from Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Bashkortostan.

The conference was held as part of a plenary session, 5 sections, a competition for young scientists, 11 poster presentations. A total of 154 reports were heard.

The conference was opening by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Inoyatov A. Sh., Director of the Urench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy Ruzibaev R. Yu.

The moderators of the infectious diseases section No. 1 and No. 2 were professors from Kazakhstan Begaidarova R. Kh. and Kosherova B. N.

  The conference program was extremely broad and it was conducted in several areas: acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections, neuroinfection and airborne infections, hepatitis, especially dangerous diseases, Covid-19, notes from practice, new and old infections.

Kazakh scientists were represented by leading infectious disease specialists from Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent.

Karaganda Medical University was represented by scientists of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Begaidarova R. Kh. and candidate of medical sciences, professor Alshynbekova G. K.

Report of professor Begaidarova R. Kh. on the topic: "European recommendations for the treatment of diarrhea in children". Treatment problems from the point of view of the clinician aroused great interest, as the author shared his own clinical data on the clinic, diagnosis and treatment and prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children, according to the European recommendations.

Report of professor Alshynbekova G. K. "Covid-19 in children with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract" (clinical case), which was also interesting by the author's own data.

General external infectiologist, professor Kosherova B. N. spoke with the topical topic “New Challenges – Covid-19 and Post-Covid Syndrome” (experience in combating Covid-19 in the Republic of Kazakhstan).

  The conference was held in stormy discussions. The speakers were asked numerous questions, to which detailed answers were given. In conclusion, the conference participants thanked the moderators for the good organization of the conference, detailed and interesting reports, and expressed their hope for further cooperation between science and practice.

Our international scientific and practical conference, which was held in the city of Urgench, was continued with an excursion to Khiva, the city of the ancient Khorezm kingdom.

Khiva is a real pearl in the desert part of Uzbekistan. Everything here has been preserved in its original form, everything is special: cultural and architectural heritage.

The world of oriental architecture, the entire historical part of the city is located inside the Ichan-Kala fortress. It is worth removing electrical wires from Khiva, hiding phones and other electronics, and you can completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of past centuries.

Conference participants from Kazakhstan are delighted at this city and we recommend that you all visit this pearl and pride of the Turkic world.

Begaidarova Roza Khasanovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.



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