Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
X student competition

X student competition

12 April 2023

Karaganda Medical University, adhering to the principle of "Bereke bastau birlik, el ishi tattoo tirlik", this year held the next annual X student competition "We are different, we are equal, we are together!" The festival was held "in one breath". It certainly contributes to the strengthening of unity and friendship, cooperation of young people at our university, and also, despite national features, emphasizes the equality of rights and freedoms of all peoples. At the festival, everyone noted the very effective joint activity of students and faculty staff. The festive event featured performances demonstrating the diversity of traditions, culture and literature of different peoples of the world. The dances and songs of all the peoples concentrated under one roof were unforgettable. The event was attended by active teachers of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics, representing the Institute of Life Sciences: Aitkenova A. A., Mkhitaryan K. E., Brazhanova A. K., Takuadina A. I., Sydykova A. Zh., Badekova K. Zh.; 2nd year students of the Faculty of Biomedicine: Rakhmetollayeva G., Eginbayeva Zh.; 1st year students of the Faculty of Biomedicine: Bigali A., Rakhimzhanova D., Sulima A., Shakhtay A. Participants demonstrated their talents in literary art, showed the peculiarities of the culture of the Ukrainian people, with great skill presented the poetry of the Great Kobzar of Ukrainian literature Taras Shevchenko in the poem "Lily". The cooperative work of teachers and students was noted by the Department for Youth Work. In the nomination "Literary Art" the collective was awarded a Diploma of the I degree.



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