Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Spiritual Leaders of the Kazakh People

Spiritual Leaders of the Kazakh People

12 December 2022

On December 9, 2022 the student scientific and theoretical conference "Zhana Kazakhstan": the role of the creative heritage of public figures of Kazakhstan in the formation of national consciousness" within the program of the modernization of public consciousness "Zhana Kazakhstan" was held by the Languages Development Center.

The first-year students of our university studying in the state and Russian languages participated at the conference. 

The teachers from leading Karaganda universities made presentations at the plenary session: S.A. Rakhymberlina (Head of the Department of the Practical Course of the Kazakh Language at NC JSC Karaganda Buketov University, Cand. Sc. Philology, associate professor), M.S. Abisheva (Assistant Professor of the Department of the Russian Language and Literature named after G.A. Meyramov at NC JSC Karaganda Buketov University, Cand. Sc. Philology, PhD), Zh.Kh. Kassimova (Master in Education Management, AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual School"), A.B. Ashirbekova (Assistant Professor of the Department of the Kazakh Language and Culture at NC JSC Saginov Karaganda Technical University, Cand. Sc. Philology). 

The conference included three sections:

1. Akhmet Baitursynov: The Son of the Kazakh People;

2. The World of Mukhtar Auezov;

3. Work of Sherkhan Murtaza and Spirituality of an Independent Country.

During the work of the sections, topical issues, related to the modernization of public consciousness and aimed at the formation of one Nation of Kazakhstan, taking into account the best traditions of the past, based on national and cultural roots, were discussed.

The conference was held online.

As a result of the conference, electronic conference proceedings were published. The certificates were issued to the conference participants and their scientific advisors, as well as diplomas were awarded to the speakers and the students whose works took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places according to the results of presentations in each section.



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