Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"Week of Medical Education - 2022"

"Week of Medical Education - 2022"

14 April 2022

On the Sechenov University (Moscow), from April 4 to 8, the XIII All-Russian Conference with international participation "Week of Medical Education - 2022" was held, which was dedicated to the development and implementation of effective tools for developing the scientific and professional potential of healthcare. 

The key topics of the conference are: improving the system of training medical personnel, personalization in healthcare and medical education, the formation of an individual professional trajectory in obtaining continuous medical education, a digital university and modern methods of managing the information environment in healthcare.

The training of modern specialists in the vector of development of a new digital model is an important task, which is associated with the rapid growth of competition and globalization. Currently, methodological support for e-learning is being developed, a national electronic platform for medical education is being created, and innovative educational projects are emerging. In the context of the introduction of IT technologies, artificial intelligence and digitalization, the use of big data and artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling of living systems contributes to improving the quality of diagnosis and patient management. 

New technologies enable doctors to concentrate on the most important medical tasks, continuously developing their competence and communication skills. For this, new educational programs are being created. This is due to the need to ensure the proper level of training of specialists capable of solving the tasks of National projects, increasing the international competitiveness of domestic higher medical education.

The Medical Education Week 2022 conference is an effective platform for dialogue between scientists and healthcare professionals.

The conference was attended by 7000 participants, 758 speakers, 28 exhibitors. Among the foreign speakers were representatives of medical education only from Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Ricklefs Viktor Petrovich, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KMU and Kemelova Gulshat Seitmuratovna, Head of the Center for Simulation and Educational Technologies of KMU, made oral presentations as representatives of Kazakhstani medical education online. The reports of our colleagues aroused great interest and were supported by applause.

Bostanova Zhuldyz, CEST staff



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