Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Window to Paris

Window to Paris

23 December 2021

On December 4, 2021 at our request from the capital of France - Paris under this name «Paris and the Parisians: my impressions» a regular meeting of the local history circle of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD was held by A. Abenova. Adele is a graduate of our university with a degree in General Medicine, during her studies she was a constant and active participant in our circle, more than once prepared speeches on various topics, participated in trips to the monuments of history and geography of our region, is currently undergoing an internship in the capital of France at the institute Curie (within the framework of postgraduate education at Nazarbayev University). Adele spoke at the meeting online right at the foot of the famous Eiffel Tower at the suggestion of a the 5th year student of General Medicine, the leader of our circle Aigerim Akhambayeva (Aigerim  also chose a convenient program for the event, inviting students and interns, sent a link to the meeting in advance).

Adele, by the nature of her work, has the opportunity to get acquainted with joint projects and developments of French and Kazakh oncologists (in the last years of her studies in Karaganda, she has learned French); at our request, she shared her observations about the peculiarities of French medicine, in particular, about the relationship between doctors and patients, about the widely developed service of palliative care for critically ill patients.

We asked a lot of questions about the everyday life of Parisians and the peculiarities of French cuisine (unusual for Kazakh people); learned about the friendliness and attentiveness towards foreigners, which the inhabitants of Paris show everywhere;

The participants of the online meeting thanked the speaker for the detailed and frank story, in the general opinion, it was informative and interesting.

Assistant Professor, the director of the local history club  A.B. Dolgopolov



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