Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Awards for the International Day Against Corruption

Awards for the International Day Against Corruption

11 December 2021

On December 9, a forum dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day took place. According to the established tradition, at this event, the results of the year were summed up, and the best were awarded for their contribution to combating corruption.

  According to the head of the regional Department Denis Shakenov, today a lot of work is being done in the region to prevent corruption, and social activists, representatives of the media and collectives of universities are making their contribution.

“A special monitoring group, an information and educational headquarters, a project office ”Saryarka - adaldyk alagy” are working in the Karaganda region, productive work has been built with the Karaganda regional branch of the “Nur Otan” party, the regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and various non-governmental organizations. And a large role in this matter is assigned to higher educational institutions”, - said Denis Vladimirovich.

At the end of the year, the staff of the Karaganda Medical University was awarded a letter of gratitude from the head of the Department for their contribution to the formation of an anti-corruption culture in society and the promotion of the values of integrity. The University Compliance Officer Alexandr Urmashov was also awarded.

The Compliance Office congratulates colleagues on a well-deserved award!



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