Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Medicine out of corruption

Medicine out of corruption

27 October 2021

On October 23, the Compliance Office together with the Student’s Republic “Samruk” organized a meeting of the university student club “Sanaly urpaq”. 

Opening the event, Compliance Officer Alexandr Urmashov explained to the participants the main provisions of the Code of Academic Integrity, the fundamental principles of the League of Academic Integrity and spoke about the system of combating corruption and the formation of anti-corruption thinking built at the university. “For a medical university, the formation of an anti-corruption culture, minimization and elimination of corruption risks, and ensuring a respectable academic environment is one of the priorities of strategic development. Since 2018, Karaganda Medical University has been a full member of the League of Academic Integrity, guaranteeing the faithful implementation of the League's mission to improve the quality of education in the country by promoting and implementing the ten fundamental principles of academic integrity”, - concluded Alexandr Nikolaevich.

The President of the Student’s Republic “Samruk” Raibayev Adilet in his speech drew the attention of the participants of the meeting about the importance of participation in the socially useful activities of the university and the formation of the skills of a future respectable specialist in the health care system. Also, the Minister for Combating Corruption of the Student Republic “Samruk” Tanatar Arailym spoke to the students, presenting the activities of her ministry and the student’s club “Sanaly urpaq”.

At the end of the meeting, the results of the video competition “Medicine out of corruption”, organized by the Student’s Republic “Samruk”, were summed up. The jury team, which consisted of the student activist of the university, determined the winner of the video filmed by group 1-023 of the educational program “General Medicine”. The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts with the symbols of the university, and all participants were awarded letters of thanks.



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