Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting of Kazakh writer Zhan Akzhanov with students of the KMU

Meeting of Kazakh writer Zhan Akzhanov with students of the KMU

15 February 2021

On 10 February, the online meeting of the famous Kazakh writer Zhan Akzhanov with students was held at the Karaganda Medical University. The event was opened by the head of the Youth Affairs Department  A.A. Ungarbaeva who presented the creative path of the writer.

Zhan Akzhanov is the author of the books: "Sweet Rain", "The Sun Will Smile at You", "Senin Tungi Kunin", "The Path of a Doctor", "Steppe and Fate" and "Aspannan Ulagan Tastar". The social orientation of the books of Zhan Akzhanov is close to readers, as it clearly reveals the problems of citizens and promotes the spiritual and cultural heritage of the people of Kazakhstan.

Zhan Akzhanov began his speech with a story about his works and what motivated him to choose the genre of medicine. In his works, the writer touches the themes of people's attitude to medical workers, professional dedication, constant physical and emotional stress, responsibility for the lives of other people and organizational components of work in medical institutions.

The author stresses the specific of our time as the wealth of temptations, corruption as a phenomenon that hinders the economic development of the country and forms the opinion that everything is bought and sold.

According to the writer, the number of potential corrupt officials will significantly decrease if people, instead of spending hours on social networks, begin to devote time to reading fiction aimed at fostering high moral qualities.

In addition, Zhan Akzhanov shared his ideas on the formation of the principles of integrity and honesty. In the book "The Path of a Doctor" the author praised the love for the chosen profession and called for the manifestation of decency in the provision of medical care, because the lives of patients depend on it. The author puts high moral and ethical qualities in the first place because without them a doctor is not a doctor.

The participants in the meeting actively asked questions and received detailed answers.

The writer urged students to pursue their aims, acquire knowledge and work for the good of their homeland.

At the end of the event, the moderator of the meeting  the head of the student club "Zhyr-Zhaukhar" Abilzhanov Daryn, thanked the writer for the meeting and wished him success in his work.

On behalf of the university, the head of the Youth Affairs Department A.A. Ungarbayeva thanked Zhan Akzhanov and all participants for an interesting and useful dialogue.

The Youth Affairs Department



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