Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visiting museums as a way to learn about history

Visiting museums as a way to learn about history

05 February 2021

On the eve of the 78th anniversary of the defeat of the enemy at Stalingrad the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Political Disciplines visited the online tour of the museum-panorama “Battle of Stalingrad” in Volgograd city.

  The online tour was attended by 1st-year students of the specialty “General Medicine” who are studying the discipline “Contemporary History of Kazakhstan” this semester as well as some teachers were happy to join our tour.

  Our guide the leading methodologist of the museum-panorama “Battle of Stalingrad” Nasekin M. presented the topic “Battle of Stalingrad”: history lessons” which examined the main chronological stages of the battle, demonstrated several halls of the museum and also showed rare footage of the video chronicles of the aerial bombing of Stalingrad filmed by German spy agency.The audience was particularly interested in the topic related to the heroes of Kazakhstan-participants of this battle. We saw unique photo chronicles of Kazakhstan's assistance to the front which are not found in Kazakhstani textbooks.

Admittedly, Volgograd being a hero city and at the same time a center of patriotic education keeps a lot of stories related to our country and directly to our Karaganda city. Memorial plate to them.Sergeant Nurken Abdirov on Mamayev Kurgan, Kazakhskaya Street in Volgograd itself, the famous Pavlov House and the recently erected monument to Kazakhstanis during the defense of Stalingrad are just some of the most striking episodes of heroism of our fellow countrymen.

  This tour once again convinced all of us that visiting museums like the   museum- panorama “Battle of Stalingrad” is a great way to touch history, to “feel” the breath of the past. We believe that the current young generation needs to learn not to repeat the mistakes of the past which are very costly for humanity.

  Assistant to the Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD

  Kovtun O. A.



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