Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
There’s a new president in “Samruk” student republic

There’s a new president in “Samruk” student republic

20 February 2019

On February 19th, the election of the President of the "Samruk" Student Republic of the Karaganda Medical University was held. 

The representatives from the School of Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health and Pharmacy, Nursing Education, and the International Medical Faculty were brought together in the assembly hall. The chairman of the organizing committee, Belasarov Nurbergen announced the start of elections. 

The report of the President - Nurpeisov Daniyar was heard. Next, the candidates presented their election program and answered questions from the voters. The chairman of the counting commission, Zholshybek Nurmakhan, presented the voting procedure to the voters, after which 403 ballots were distributed. The results of the counting are below: 49 votes are for Mansur Bikbavleev, 93 were Zhamash Almas, 217 Afizov Iskandar, 17 voters abstained, 6 ballots were damaged. By a simple majority of votes, Afizov Iskandar was elected the President of the "Samruk". 

After the solemn congratulations of the organizing committee, the word was given to the vice-rector for educational and methodical work Riclefs V.P. and V.B. Molotov-Luchansky, advisor of the Rector, by the decision of the organizing committee, the elections were declared valid.

Sincerely your organizing committee: Aimbetov Talgat, Belasarov Nurbergen, Hoffman Sabina, Zholshybek Nurmakhan, Kamasheva Gulnara, Sabyr Nurzhan.



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