Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Month of the State language in KSMU

Month of the State language in KSMU

27 December 2018

From December 5 to 24, 2018, on the Eve of the Independence Day the traditional month of the state language entitleof «Медицина білімі – мемлекеттік тіл аясында» was held. There were lots of good events for the teachers, students and employees of the university.   

On the first workday of the month the patriotic music sounded at the entrance of the university for  all the people coming in. An exhibition of books  in the state language was presented to the students. 

During the competition “Kazakh tilі aylygyna at salysayk!” that was held among the Departments of KSMU,  students, academic staff and employees asked a lot of questions and the event was interesting,  the visits to the departments under the leadership of the Rector’s Adviser Vilen Borisovich were organized.    According to the decision of the expert commission the winner of the  “Қазақ тілі айлығына ат салысайық!”  competition was the Department of Dentistry which took the Grand-Pri place, the 1st place was ta ken by  the Department of Pathology, the 2nd place - the Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Microbiology, the 3rd place - Department of Biology. Also, during the month the appreciation was announced to the departments of Kazakh, Russian and Foreign languages, the department of Nursing care, Nutrition and Hygiene.   

Also, The  «Қазақша оқы, latynsha jaz!»  among the teachers, the staff and students was held According to the decision of the expert committee, the winners in this nomination are the specialist of the Department of Academic Work Kokaeva Nazgul Amanovna – the 1st place; methodologist of the School of Nursing Education Turysbekova Arailym Yesengeldinovna – the 2nd place, the third place - specialist of the Department of Academic work Dutbayeva Almara Serikovna. The winners among students are the student of nursing education schools: Marzhan Kartaeva  the first place, Zhanerke Zhomartova  the second place, Nazerke Imanbekova  the 3rd place. And also, among the teaching staff, the 1st place was taken by the teacher of the Department of Morphology and Physiology - Zhashkeeva Adeliya Maratovna, the 2nd place - the teacher of the Department of biological chemistry - Abisheva Raushan Edigeevna, the 3rd place – the assistant of the Department of oncology and radiation diagnosis - Akaliyeva Galiya Tillabekovna.

The following events: “Bolashaka bakdar: rukhani zagyru” (the meeting of the “Kyran” club), the “I Sing To You, My Kazakhstan” patriotic song concert, the multilingual game called  “What? Where? When?" were held within this month. All participants were awarded with letters of thanks.

At the gym №1 “KMMU-KYRANY” competitions among students in various types of sports: асық ату, арқан тарту, тоғыз құмалақ, настольный теннис. 

 Within the framework of the month of Kazakh Language, the Scientific Library together with the "Жыр-жауһар" Student authorial-poetic Club  and with the "Ex libris"  Literary Club  held a literary and musical evening called "Imir Shuy". The evening was filled with poems and songs of Kazakh and world literature.

On December 24, 2018, the seminar entitled  “Memlekhettik more medical medicine bilim take үderіsіndegі әdistemelik zhane audarma mselelerі” was held. During the seminar, various issues on this topic were discussed, as well as within the framework of cooperation of the Resource Center of Languages under the Department of the Development of Languages of the Karaganda Region and the Department of  Kazakh Language, a memorandum and a plan of joint activities were signed.

And also, on the same day, the official closing of the State language month has taken place.



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