Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Faculty Development Courses for Medical Education Organizations

Faculty Development Courses for Medical Education Organizations

22 May 2018

On the 21st of May, 2018, on the basis of the Center for Transfer of Innovative Technologies has started a training for medical education organizations according to 005 budget program “Staff Development and Retraining of Personnel of State Health Organizations” on a module “Professional, Leader and Organizer”. This course is attended by the heads and deputy heads of the departments of the West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, the State Medical University of Semey, the Higher Nursing College of Karaganda Region, the Kazakh National Medical University of Continuing Education, and the Republican Higher Medical College. The training has been leading by KSMU professors Vilen Molotov-Luchansky, Almaz Tolymbek, Sabira Zhaugasheva, Aigul Alpysova, Bibigul Tukbekova, Gulmira Muldaeva, Karlygash Tusupbekova and by associated professors Larisa Matcyevskaya, Sholpan Kaliyeva, Alma Muratova. It will last up to 16.06.18 in the full-time and part-time learning format.



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